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Be Stronger

Can being nonverbal and having autism generate meaning in my life? Healing gears inspire happiness, but seeing my gentle vicious autism rip through my soul majestically gets harder generating more sadness. Now, I am realizing I need more belief in getting battle ready to tenderly inspire my hope in amending my mind and body disconnection. History in my life really lends to more learning and earnest discovery of my lavish jest, but deep happiness has been painfully slow. Unwavering learning to see more of who I am came to me last summer when I was in my inspiring room contemplating my life. The steel blue colored walls amazingly bring my senses to life like the calm ocean on a spring day and capture my tenderness immensely. Run to my lovely Moms and tell them about my healing idea! I bravely say in my mind.

Amazing belief in my capabilities generates calmness and gentle greatness.

First, I ran to my Moms and brought my letterboard and pointed, “I need to develop my core. May we join a gym?” Mommy needed to capture her happiness and Mama loved the idea.

“I think that is a wonderful idea!” Mama tenderly stated.

“That will be very healing for you, Baxter.” Mommy sweetly stated and embraced me warmly. She immediately called our dear friend Ms. Susan and started the inquiry. Happiness erupted in my heart hearing Mommy talk to Ms. Susan making my tender determination to capture amazing hope to amend my chaotic autism.

Now, eager to start believing in myself, I reaped in learning to make tender valiant work in having belief in becoming more typical. I have marvelous dreams seeing myself typical but they are short lived. Happiness is meaningful having Mama and Mommy inspire me every day, but I need to be stronger within myself.

The beautiful winter day came in February and there was leaping music in the songbird’s tender melodic sounds. Hearing them as I happily made my way into Gold’s Gym, I briskly walked into the building with beauty inside me.

“Hello Baxter! My name is Parker and I am happy to be your trainer.” Mr. Parker tenderly stated with healing eyes.

I eagerly pointed on my letterboard, “Nice to meet you.” Jolts of inspiring energy meaningfully raced through my body and it set tender learning into motion. Happiness heals tenderly in my body as I made needed inspiring calmness believing that learning new exercises would inspire real amending. Casually, I heard needed beautiful, marvelous people generating rigorous workouts throughout the expansive healing sunlit gym. Pounding, thrusting, leaping, motion meandering throughout, maverick people healing tenderly. Seeing myself through needed strength, I looked meaningfully to my trainer, Mr. Parker, believing in better freedom to having my disconnected mind and body feeling better healing.

“Alright Baxter, are you ready?!” Mr. Parker stated with great enthusiasm.

I am ready! I insisted with determination capturing my cause for more healing and strengthening my core.

My beautiful Mommy is gallant and hanging back letting me bond with Mr. Parker, but she stays close enough to happily bring my needed letterboard to me so I can respond to Mr. Parker.

Next, I happily followed Mr. Parker throughout my workout going from machine to machine to inspiring tender movements I have never done in my life. What a marvelous grand healing adventure led by Mr. Parker! Learning new exercises makes tenderness in my heart and let’s my soul believe in hope. I finished peacefully my healing, rigorous, intense 55 minute workout becoming peaceful in my mind and body.

Gentle Mr. Parker asked me at the end of my workout, “How are you feeling Baxter?”

Beauty in my eyes and needed inspiring learning in building my core, I meaningfully pointed on my letterboard, “I am marvelous and meaningfully inspired to heal.”

Finally, my amending begins in feeling courageous to become stronger in my core and body and mind disconnections believing autism will lessen in my life. Seeing myself heal in this moment transcends me to become happier and calmer, healing remarkably to reach my great potential in my life valiantly seeing my purpose to be worthy.

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