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HWant to know our newspaper staff's policies and procedures?  Sure thing...we like to keep it simple around here, so there are only three hard and fast rules.  The rest?  That's policy and follows immediately after the rules.  Still don't see an answer to your question?  Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this FAQ, and drop us a note. 

We'd be happy to help!


RULE #1:  If there is a problem, don't worry. We can fix it.  And around here, we fix the problem...not the blame.

RULE #2:  See rule #1.

RULE #3:  If you’re about to do something that would make your mom facepalm, it’s best to just not.  If it isn't family friendly, or if you think it might not be, just don’t do it. You might think it is funny or cool in the moment, but the worst part is that everyone suffers for it.  So, be kind always, think of others, and then…see rule #1.




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You got a composition that’s collecting dust when it could be shining on a fantastical website?  We want that!  We need you!  We will take just about any form of art or writing so long as it is school appropriate, and you've tried your very best.


"What category will my article go in?"

This is at the Editorial Board's discretion.  If you have a preference, make it known at the next iGlobe meeting.  

We aim to please!



There are no deadlines for NEWS articles.  If a deadline is a faraway idea at the moment, but you want to write about that thing that just happened, that bad boy’s getting uploaded immediately so that it remains timely for our readers as 'Breaking News.'


All other articles will be uploaded in the upcoming issue assuming they are received by the 28th of each month.  One exception: we have a short winter edition with a deadline of December 15th.


None!  FULL CREATIVE LICENSE GRANTED! If an article should be 100 words, then your article should be 100.  With that in mind, make sure the article is well-developed.  Just remember to dot your I’s and cross your T’s.   Go into it knowing that if you turn it in and it is missing things like MLA formatting for sources, punctuation, capitalization, etc., that we have someone on our staff that would love to meet with you and help you transform your great starts into even better articles.  THERE ARE NO BAD ARTICLES….just room to make them better.


Not a's the contact request form.  Send it along because someone else might have the same question.  There is a strong possibility we'll add your question to our FAQ so that other people can benefit!

F.requently A.sked Q.uestions

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

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A Word on Comment boxes...

Throughout our iGlobe newspaper, you will see opportunities to leave messages for our writers.  First, our writing staff loves comments!  Post early, and post often!  

However, if what you are about to post is in any way inflammatory, crude, mean-spirited, or would otherwise make your home room teacher facepalm...don't do it.  Comment boxes are a luxury, and can be taken away from all of us.  And now with that understood...go read and comment!

Thanks for visiting...Come back soon!

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