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Can Girls and Guys Compete Against Each Other in Sports?

Have you ever wondered why there is a girl division and a boy division? Why can’t they both compete against each other? Is it because one gender thought they were superior to the other gender? I think this is wrong. I think that both women and men should be allowed to compete against each other. What is stopping them? Is it their gender? No. It is their dumb judges. I can easily see a boy beating a girl, or a girl beating a boy in any competition.

Soccer, Basketball, and Gymnastics are three perfect examples of sexist sports. What is sexism? Sexism is when you don’t act like you respect another gender. These sports have people in them where they think one gender is superior over the other gender. They believe one gender can’t play as well as another gender so they think they must be separate. I think this is bad.

And some of you who are reading this, might think that karate let’s boys and girls compete. But it still has some ways to go. They still have boy and girl divisions, and the prizes for the boys are much larger than the prizes for girls. This is unfair.

How do you think girls feel when they figure out that they get smaller prizes than the boys even though they perform as well as boys? How would you feel if you knew that no matter what, you will get the smaller prize, even if you are as good as any of the boys there? I’ll tell you how you would feel, you would feel angry, sad, and miserable.

So how would we get sexists out of sports? We could get new judges, we could make new rules to ensure that both genders get even prizes, and we could write lots of articles so that girls and boys are treated equally, and complain about it on twitter and Facebook.

Last thing I should say is that when I say I want girls and boys to be treated equally, I don’t mean just girls. I mean boys get discriminated against too. Such as, most people would think it would be creepy if they see a boy watching a girly movie like ‘Moana’, or play with girly dolls. And I don’t think that people should make fun of people just because they are enjoying something they like.

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