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From the Editor...

Hi!  My name is Kendall Haney, and I want to welcome you personally to the iGlobe.  Our motto around here is that we change our world one reader at a time.  And it's the truth.  You will find here a school-wide foundation for all to raise up a collective voice; to independently express ourselves as one body with a diverse mixture of views.

And as this is our genuine mission statement as an online school newspaper, I implore you to read the paper early, read often, come back...and the most important part?...comment.  Start a positive discussion with our writers.  In my opinion, this may be the single most important part of your education here at K12 International Academy.  Our newspaper provides unique opportunities for us to unite, connect, and be heard.

Won't you join in?  I'll be looking for you!

A Word on Comment boxes...

Throughout our iGlobe newspaper, you will see opportunities to leave messages for our writers.  First, our writing staff loves comments!  Post early, and post often!  

However, if what you are about to post is in any way inflammatory, crude, mean-spirited, or would otherwise make your home room teacher facepalm...don't do it.  Comment boxes are a luxury, and can be taken away from all of us.  And now with that understood...go read and comment!

Thanks for visiting...Come back soon!

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