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To: The Record Company From: Anthony Kelly IGlobe Newspaper K12 International Academy

Whenever you think of “The Record Company”, you might think of an actual Record Company, but not in this case. The Record Company is the most unbelievable, most awesome, coolest band of all time. They have a little bit of Blues and Rock in their blood.

April 1, 2016 was the best day of my entire life; it started a little bit something like this. I woke up, brushed my teeth, and did my school early. I did have a baseball game that night but I was also going to try and meet the most talented band of all time… The Record Company before my game.

My Dad and I jumped in his truck, and headed into the city. The Record Company was playing at a little place in St. Louis called, The Old Rock House. Once we got there, we saw a van parked right in front of the venue. I saw the drummer of The Record Company, (AKA: The best drummer ever!) and asked him to autograph my vinyl record and my drumhead. He told me he’d be right back, and came back with the lead singer and bassist, and they autographed my things, too!! They were all super nice guys!!! Even the lead singer gave me a guitar pick!!

Later on, I ended up cancelling my baseball game and went to the show. How could I turn down an opportunity like seeing this show? It was the best decision I have ever made! The lead singer told me about his lapsteel guitar he got when he was 18 years old! I even bought my own lapsteel guitar afterwards because, I love the band so much and because I want to learn how to play. The show that night was the best show I have ever and will ever see!!

Chris Vos, Marc Cazorla, and Alex Stiff are the best musicians ever. I am telling you right now to go on the internet and watch The Record Company, listen to their songs, and get their merchandise…you won’t be sorry J

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