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Class Connect Attendance: Lower than Ever

Class Connect sessions are interactive “classroom” sessions discussing individual topics and subjects for classes throughout K12 International Academy. They allow teachers and students to interact live together, making teaching more efficient and learning easier. Students are able to ask questions and answer those posed by teachers. However, Class Connect attendance is lower than ever before, despite teachers offering regular sessions and encouraging participation. Why is it so low? What are the reasons? How can attendance be improved?

There are multiple reasons why Class Connect attendance is so low. One of these reasons is the potential time difference due to locations of students and teachers. As an International Student living in New Zealand, I frequently miss Class Connects because they are often between 1 AM and 5 AM local time. Students may feel that they do not need to attend Class Connects, since they are not mandatory. Other students may not have the time due to course work and other obligations. Still others may not feel inclined to participate since they already have mandatory work from their classes and would prefer to spend free time doing something else. There are just some possibilities; there may be other reasons that students are not participating in Class Connects. However, I want every student reading this to ask themselves why they do or do not attend Class Connects and answer honestly.

How do we solve the reasons listed in the previous paragraph? Let’s talk about them. Students who cannot attend due to time differences can watch recordings and alert their teachers that they have done so. In fact, several of my teachers have offered extra credit for watching recordings and emailing summaries on what they covered. This principle also applies for students who have committed to obligations that prevent them from attending. For the students who feel that Class Connects are not mandatory, you are correct. Most are not – though there are exceptions. However, just because they are not mandatory doesn’t mean they are not helpful. Class Connects provide an interactive learning environment that may benefit students greatly. They also enable students to ask questions and get live answers so they understand everything throughout the session. Despite being optional, Class Connects are very advantageous to students of all ages, grades and classes. Finally, some students may not feel inclined to spend the extra time in Class Connects. Those students should first identify this as the reason they are not participating, and then aim to change their attitude. Class Connects condense a large amount of material and offer an interactive “study-session,” which may be even more helpful than studying independently. Remember that by spending that small amount of time in Class Connects now, you are shaping yourself for a better and brighter future.

I firmly believe that the International Academy is not just a school, but a spirit. Together we can accomplish anything, and that includes raising Class Connect attendance levels. International Academy students are fortunate to have teachers that make the time to offer Class Connects, which makes it disappointing that attendance is so low. It’s time for a change, class, so let’s raise Class Connect attendance levels together and make a change for the future of the International Academy.

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