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Amending, Learning, Leaping, and Connecting

Hard healing generates inspiration to make life better peacefully to pause tenderly and reflect on my nonverbal autistic existence. Why am I making gallant reason seeming to be contorted having less than a prize to be ceasing havoc in my hard maker’s body? I always had hope to be a typical boy making my meaning in playing basketball or lacrosse but hard, forceful, screaming autism hears none of that.

Therefore, capable reason to generate healing leads to needed freedom from autism’s insensitive shackles. Believing my courageous, tender heart makes woeful pieces to mend marvelously has really taken me to amend. Amending my mind and body disconnect can inspire healing and leap learning to an independent life.

Can hard sensory input generate freedom from my malicious chaos? My meaningful autistic life bears many challenges and hard inner struggles to learn marvelous inspiring education generating beautiful healing. Having every miniscule sound come at me full force causes my head to explode with all the chaotic sounds. Therefore, I have to cover my ears to lessen the meaningless sounds and make vocal stims to counter interference. Valiant peace really inspires me to see meaning in my expanded hearing; learning to create a calm mind that marches to its own tune instead of my real tender meaning.

Consequently, learning to have peace generating in my mind instead of mass chaos tends to reveal inspiration to sit still and make gallant tender learning. “How can I learn how to make my mind calm?” I keenly say in my mind. Arising from my cause to learn mind healing has been tremendously painful and difficult but I am creating more inspiration to control my great sensory input.

Next, marvelous determination to type ceases all meaning in generating my healing making autism revert to seeming typical. Thus, being a nonverbal autistic person makes independence hard, requiring beautiful Mommy to lead strenuous, inspiring, regular teachings to make my healing in my brain and body connections. As a result, Mommy inspires hard learning to beautiful piercing feelings inside my soul and pushes me to really see my true meaning. Tender, hard care to learn typing has been marvelous making strides to healing independence. My gentle letterboard voice brought me salvation to my broken mute weary life lending to rise in learning to type and make independence.

Additionally, amazing happiness came to my life when I moved to online schooling and enrolled in K12 International Academy in the 6th grade. Healing really tends to make peace in my determination to overcome my sensory overload helping change tension to learning instead of having meaningless, remedial work. If I had stayed in public school then I would have not had a meaningful, higher education and my letterboard voice. For that reason, depression really would have incited malicious behavior causing pain and sadness to my tender soul.

Now I have reason to learn body control needs to peacefully rise within my belligerent mind and body disconnect. Why can’t I make my real body move where I want it to go? Teach me God! I sternly, meaningfully, tenderly say in my mind as I sit lavishly on my comfy couch. I don’t hear from God, but he sends me beautiful angels having healing bringing me great valiant love. Mommy tirelessly and meaningfully teaches me to build new connections in my brain by working on my motor skills: typing, catching with one hand, balancing on one leg, mowing the yard, piano lessons, gym training with a personal trainer, and driving my grandpa’s golf cart. As a result of marvelous painstaking hard work, I see more typical generating hope to drive independently and make more healing connections.

Can I free myself from autism’s chains? Cause to learn life skills heals my better inner gentle, beautiful purpose to live independently. Therefore, capable meaning in taking care of myself transcends inspiration effecting my marvelous, tender learning helping to reach independence valiantly. Consistently exerting strong courage and keen practice, both physically and mentally, brings me closer to being self-sufficient creating more healing.

Hopeful inspiration has tended to capture my heart, but I wearily have terrible feelings of loneliness and being dependent. Callous autism incites feelings of rage and malice taking its toll on me and my Moms making meaning in learning to strive for independence and a purposeful life. I greatly acquire massive strength and courage from my healing Moms’ tender spirits and capture it in my soul. Therefore, learning to amend my sensory overload, my mind and body disconnect, learning to type, and learning life skills generates healing making strides to live independently and live happily. Can I one day be a loving husband and a loving father? I am hopeful one day this will happen.

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