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Video Games Can Make You Smarter

Playing video games can increase the cognitive function and improve attention to detail, memory and decision-making. Not only that, but it’s a great way to entertain yourself at home on any day.

Studies show that playing video games at least 30 minutes a day can help improve your attention to detail. Attention to detail means to not let anything slip by unnoticed, whether it’s a new haircut someone got, or maybe even a stain on your own shirt. A competitive advantage can also be obtained during the process of playing games.

Playing video games can allow you to have an increase in memory, strategic planning and fine motor skills. People who have good memory usually do better in school, college, and later in life. Strategic planning provides clearer focus of organization, producing more efficiency and effectiveness. As technology continues to transform medicine, surgeries are being completed with the insertion of cameras and remote control tools. Not surprisingly, young doctors with previous exposure to gaming have better ability and faster surgery completion.

Video games can help people with dyslexia read more effectively. Research showed that dyslexics find it especially difficult to shift their attention between visual and audio stimulus. Video games require quick shifts of attention to play. That’s exactly what dyslexic children need. Study found that dyslexic children showed improvements in reading speed and attention skills after having played video games with lots of action. So, for kids with dyslexia, video games may be just what the doctor orders.

Your eyesight can also benefit and that’s because your eyes are constantly switching back and forth between a very focused directive line of sight and a more generalized view where you’re focusing on the entire field of vision at once. Good eyesight can also help people read smaller fonts without a lot trouble and see anything from a greater distance. Not to mention, good vision helps you read more comfortably for work, learning, or just enjoyment.

It’s important to note that too much of anything can be bad. So if you binge and do nothing but play video games all day, the risks probably outweigh any benefits. Unfortunately, some people really do say “No video games … they are bad for you” but is that really true? Video games can actually make you smarter!







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