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Journey Through Wildwood Forest

Jay: Hey guys? Remind me why we’re still HANGING around here? (*snickers*) Maybe we should just LEAF.

Lloyd: I’m VINE with that.

Jay: Ha! Nice!

Kai: Will you two knock it off? We didn’t come here to mess around; our enemies could be anywhere!

Jay/Lloyd: Awww…

Jay: You just can’t handle quality comedy!

Zane: Capabilities of enjoying entertainment aside, Kai is correct. I sense there are plenty more lifeforms in these woods, and we must be prepared for the unexpected…be they friend, or foe.

Sensei Wu: Wise words, my pupil.

Kai/Lloyd/Jay: GAAAH!!!!!

Kai: Wha—where did…???

Wu: It matters not, my ways of travel. We must focus on the task at hand, least this world be caught up in terrible destruction.

Lloyd: Then what are we waiting for? Let’s move, guys!

Jay: I knew you WOOD say that!

Kai: Jay, NO.

Jay: Jay, YES!

Zane: (*sigh*) I sense this is going to be a long trip.

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