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‘Random Science’ Theories and Facts With Saxon Haney.

Warning: This article is completely random, it will not stay on one subject. And the only similarity between each fact is that they are all science facts or theories. Also, I have put lines next to each science theory or fact. If you read this article, then write whether it is a theory or a fact in the line I took the time to give you. It would be really, really, rude not to do this puzzle since I went to the trouble to write it.

_______________ 1.Did you know the earth is not a perfect sphere. It is an oblate spheroid. It flattens at the poles and bulges at the equator. Imagine a squished basketball. Oh and it is not completely flat either.

________________2.The most venomous creature known to man is the Chironex Fleckeri: or more commonly known as the box jellyfish or marine stinger. The Chironex Fleckeri has venom that can kill you in 2-3 minutes. The venom strikes at your nervous system a lot like other sea creatures’ venom, paralyzes your organs, and because most people can’t hold their breath for more than 3 minutes, your brain shuts off and you die.

________________3. Did you know that chicken soup is very good for you? Well, when you think of modern medicine probably the last thing that you think of is chicken soup; however, chicken soup has a lot of stuff inside of it that is good for you. For example, the protein inside it can help create antibodies that help fight the cold. Also, it has a chemical in it called cysteine which can help your body fight off the infection too. So if you have a cold, eat your chicken soup and avoid going out because you will just force other people to have to eat chicken soup since cold viruses live on surfaces that you touch.

________________4. Children have a lot more bones than adults. When a child is first born, the child’s bones are connected by cartilage. That’s why a child’s bones is weaker than an adult’s bones. But as you grow up that cartilage disappears and the bones become one bone.

________________5. There is a possibility that the human thumb will get longer. Mainly, this is because we now use our thumbs for activities we didn’t use in the past include texting, using the TV remote, playing videos, and more.

________________6. Rabbits are very good at hiding in small burrows if they are ill or hurt. They don’t dig like gophers. They just find convenient hiding places. They do this to protect themselves from predators such as foxes, maybe wolves, eagles, and others. They build their burrows a couple of feet wide.

________________7. Mercury is not the hottest planet. It is common knowledge that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, but that does not automatically mean that it is the hottest. It has virtually no atmosphere, and therefore it cannot hold in the heat. That means that Venus, it’s next door neighbor, is the hottest because it has an incredibly strong atmosphere which can keep in a lot of heat.

________________8. Thomas Edison was not the original creator of the light bulb. Edison was the first to mass produce the light bulb. The first real inventor was Humphrey Davy in 1806, but his design wasn’t considered good for lighting a house.

________________9. What do plasma balls have inside them? Plasma balls are also called plasma orbs, and they have a gas called xenon inside the glass bulb. An electrical current that is activated in the long pole inside the ball activates the gases (mostly xenon) to ignite creating the plasma that is fun to play with. If you hold your finger in one place too long on the plasma ball, it might start to feel like a burning sensation. Also, never hold metals against a plasma because the electricity can go through the metal that you are holding and zap you.

_______________10. Spicy foods actually are the main ingredient to some diabetes medicines. So spicy foods actually don’t hurt you, they just feel like it because of how it tastes. Peppers and jalapenos have medical properties that help control blood sugar.

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