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Captain Cavechick! Valentine's Day Torture!



Welcome back, iGlobers! I always appreciate you coming back each month to take on a challenge only worthy of the strongest hearts. Speaking of hearts…it’s February. And, we all know what that means. Ew. Cherub arrows and kissing movies. Somebody grab me the skeleton keys so I can lockdown the cave.

Every February, Walmart, Target… and all those other box store names I can’t remember right now explode in festive hearts, cheap jewelry, and even cheaper chocolate and perfume in the name of celebrating…Love. All for Valentine’s Day. Now, personally, I find the whole of it eyeroll worthy. If you love someone, why wait until February 14th to tell them? Why waste time? I don’t think two people in love would wait until February. Therefore, I must presume this is one more mall holiday where people have the opportunity to make up for all the Christmas gifts they guessed wrong about giving back in December. Hey, I’m all about make up days and extra credit. Come to think of it, I just gave Valentine’s Day a purpose.

So with newfound purpose, and as I watch the 14th draw nearer and nearer, I realize… I could make a puzzle out of this holiday in a similar fashion that this holiday give people a reason to spend their money.

So, here we are…<awkward silence, shuffle feet>….what is this a cheesy rom-com moment?

Wait, hold on… that’s just me? I’m the only one who doesn’t like cheesy romantic comedies? Okay, cool. Fine. Whatever. Puzzles are more fun, and anyway that’s what you will find me doing on the 14th of February! So there! I didn’t want to go out to dinner and eat Lobster!

<Choke…sob> I need a tissue…

But, don’t worry. If you like this sweet-enough-to-rot-your-teeth holiday? That’s fine. You can still do my puzzle. Here’s how to play…

  1. This puzzle? It’s your average word search – aka one of my favorite kinds of puzzles.

  2. There’s a word bank right under the puzzle itself.

  3. Give it a long, hard look. And then scroll up to the puzzle.

  4. Now, find all the words that were in the word bank.

  5. When you’re done, let me know in the chat box!

  6. FIRST THREE PEOPLE WHO TELL ME IN THE CHAT BOX That THEY FINISHED THE PUZZLE GET KUDOS ON AN IGLOBE POWERPOINT SLIDE at the February 14th meeting…that’s right….they are having an iGlobe meeting on Valentine’s Day.

Remember, no spoils. No dropping hints for other people in the chat box. And, remember to have fun! Puzzles aren’t cool if you aren’t having fun.

And while you’re doing that, I’ve got my own puzzle to solve…I signed up for a trigonometry class. Think my teacher might love me enough to just give me an A? Meh….probably not.

I hate Valentine’s Day.

But I love you!


The Captain

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