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The Force Awakens Review

On December 18, 2015, Star Wars fans, as well as others, received a special treat. Disney, the new owners of the Star Wars franchise, released Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And it became the best-selling movie of all time.

Before you read the rest of this article, prepare for spoilers if you haven’t seen it already.

The blockbuster begins on the sandy planet of Jakku, where just above it, the newly arisen First Order is preparing to raid a small village. They meet a man that had vital information about the last Jedi, Luke Skywalker. They cannot find it, but they capture a Rebel Pilot who knows where it is. The pilot, Poe Dameron, gave the information to his faithful mechanical companion, BB-8. The droid proceeds to journey across the planet, where he meets a young girl named Rey, an orphan that lives in an Imperial vehicle miles away from a village.

Meanwhile, back on the Star Destroyer, Stormtrooper FN-2187 is troubled about his mission down on Jakku. He begins to believe he could defect to the Resistance. He decides to break the pilot out of prison, and together they get in a TIE fighter. The damage from the First Order weapons make them crash land on the planet below. Once awake, unable to find Poe in the damage of the burning ship, FN-2187 walks to the village near Rey’s home.

Later, FN-2187, newly named Finn by Poe, finds that the girl, along with BB-8, are in a predicament. Finn sees quickly that Rey has everything under control, but is spotted by the droid, angry at the sight of someone wearing his master’s jacket. They become allies when they are pursued by First Order troops. Together, they’re able to escape on a famous ship in the port, the Millennium Falcon. Rey’s awesome piloting and Finn at the weapons are able to escape the First Order and leave the planet.

After the hasty escape, they are boarded by Han Solo and Chewbacca. The two reassure the occupants that they can be trusted, but when they board the other ship, they are ambushed by pirates. To make things even worse, they discover that deadly Rathtars have escaped. They’re able to escape on the Falcon by a thread. Once they’re safe, they receive a lesson from Han about the Force.

Han decides that to find what they’re looking for, they need to go to the castle belonging to Maz Kanata, an old friend of Han’s. They ask for transport, but are ambushed by the First Order. Finn, Chewie, and Han stay at the castle, while Rey and BB-8 attempt to escape. But, the two are ambushed by Kylo Ren, leader of the force-wielding organization, the Knights of Ren. After the destruction of the colorful castle, the First Order retreats while the Resistance swoops in to save the group. Sadly, Rey is captured, and Skywalker, along with the fate of the Jedi, is in deep jeopardy.

Once at the Resistance base, the vast military of freedom fighters regroup to discuss how to destroy the First Order’s new weapon, Starkiller base. They devise a plan to send in a strike team--Han, Chewbacca, Finn, and BB-8--to disable the shield generator. Once that is done, they will send in a squadron of fighters to destroy the core, crippling the evil base.

Once they enter the base, they’re able to, after a long expedition (and a little garbage duty), find the shield generator and switch it off. While trying to escape, they’re able to find Rey, who escaped on her own. Rey and Finn prepare to leave, while Han and Chewie proceed to plant explosives in the base. While putting them on the support beams, Han notices Kylo Ren, his son. He decides to attempt to bring him back to the light. Given the choice of good or evil, Ren makes his decision. But, to find out, you need to watch the movie.

This is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, and the sequel is guaranteed to be just as good. Thank you for reading, and May the Force Be With You!

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