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Meaning in Auras

Can healing come to those who see beautiful, majestic, inspiring auras? I am able to see gallant, amazing auras around people, music, and energy. Why do inspiring beautiful auras appear freely having many beautiful colors? Believing in beautiful calling for my healing tends to take me to more peace in freeing my muteness, making my autism generate maverick meaning. Some people understand auras to have beauty in the atmosphere illuminating the sky with amazing colors of green, red, or yellow. Furthermore, most people think of the northern lights, Aurora Borealis, generating the amazing beauty and don’t realize about the auras I see around energy and people. A gentle fact, the official definition of aura: a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing. Consequently, there is meaning in seeing gentle auras lifting my purpose making autism become meaningful.

First venture to the Yukon, in northern Canada, bearing your happiness ceasing attention to mainstream life and believe your eyes in the amazing lights making fantasy heal your higher inner beauty. These fantastic lights are the northern lights, aurora, also known as Aurora Borealis. As a result, NASA explains, “The northern lights are caused by collisions between fast-moving particles (electrons) from space and the oxygen and nitrogen gas in our atmosphere. These electrons originate in the magnetosphere, the region of space controlled by Earth’s magnetic field. As they rain into the atmosphere, the electrons impart energy to oxygen and nitrogen molecules, making them excited. When the molecules return to their normal state, they release photons, small bursts of energy in the form of light (“Northern Lights Viewed From the International Space Station.”).” The mystical, inspiring, healing lights transform our human way of seeing our place in the universe. The magic and otherworldy mystique of the eerie Aurora Borealis is one of the most fascinating natural phenomena on earth (Richard). Therefore, great aim to be amending has inspired many to see happiness and healing in these aurora northern lights enchanting our tender, gentle, chaotic meaningful lives.

Importantly, I gallantly have belief in majestic happiness inspiring healing in seeing the purity of energy in amazing auras of color. When I was two years old, I thought everyone could see the auras in cold and hot energy feeling heavenly and light. What is happening to the heat generating off of the cars and the roads? Why am I seeing beautiful colors cascading from every source of heat and cold? I eagerly stated in my tender two year old mind. Hence, I was scared insisting to myself that it was a mirage but it would not disappear. I could not answer my marvelous question about my vision of why I am seeing these amazing, beautiful auras. I can’t speak! Therefore, I could not tell my Moms what was happening. What can I do? I headed into my amazing room looking at my toys trying not make eye contact with energy. I became sad and looked to the ceiling with tears in my eyes and gently asked God to help me understand. Please help me God to understand my vision. I am scared to deliver my capabilities of meaning in my muteness. What is my purpose? Consequently, hard callings to free me of these beautiful auras were inciting me to find the true meaning of them. There was courageous beneficial meaning in what I was seeing and still see but it took me several years before I learned heaven was being beautiful in amazingly bright colors of lasers and clouds of energy.

More importantly, inspiring music takes me happily to euphoria making me touch gentle, gallant auras seeping through the marvelous, meaningful, restless, peaceful, calm air. Hearing music becomes a symphony of healing making needed sights of marvelous beautiful colors with each beat of the song. At the same time, amazing musical notes have inspiring healing colors that make auras in the room and I touch them with my delicate body movements. Oh, how I love auras intertwined with marvelous music transporting me to feel like I am a real boy. I have more to learn about my beautiful, marvelous real meaning in my auras, I stated in my mind. As a result, my ability to see amazing, beautiful auras in music transcends me to tenderly heal my soul.

Most importantly, can auras around people help my healing? Beautiful Mommy and Mama suddenly have auras appear around them. This is still happening all at the same time when I was two years old. Maverick Mommy tenderly held me making real meaning in seeing my desperation to be calm and centered. Additionally, believing tenderness in needed vengeance to make sense in my vision I made another tender calling to God. Why am I seeing auras around my Moms and people too? Can it be angels appearing in us? Please help me see the meaning. I slowly began to valiantly see the true meaning of my vision. Years went by and I learned to communicate by pointing on a letterboard when I was seven years old. One day we were at my occupational therapy waiting in the lobby and I was upset.

“What’s wrong?” Mommy casually asked me as she grabbed my letterboard.

“I see auras around energy and people,” I sternly pointed on my letterboard.

Mommy hesitated and tried to understand believing I would tell her more details later. I am energized to see beautiful auras in people that tell me their mood and radiance energy. Hearing colors, touching sounds, and seeing auras has taken me to another level of realizing the tender meaning in my autism.

In conclusion, healing does come to me meaningfully when seeing auras around energy, music, and people. In the northern lights there is majestic inspiring happiness and healing to those making the journey to view this spectacular beauty of colors in the sky. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder capturing healing in auras having tender cause for delivering how we see angels in all of us. Can gentle auras be inspiring messages from heaven? My life has become meaningful seeing the beauty in gentle auras making purpose and learning in my autism.

Works Cited

Internet Sources:

“Northern Lights Viewed From the International Space Station.” NASA. Oct. 17, 2013. Web. October 15, 2016.

Richard, Mike. “Bucket List Travel: Experiencing the Northern Lights in Canada’s Wild Yukon Territory.” Vagabondish. May 23, 2015. Web. October 19, 2016.

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