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Marvel Rips DC’s (Hooded) Face Off!

What is the difference between Marvel and DC? That’s simple. DC didn’t need Marvel to inspire them to write a genius comic book series! Marvel, on the other hand, totally ripped off all of DC’s characters. Well, not all of them, but most of them. And for this reason, Marvel must be called out for being a rip off! How do I prove it? Stay tuned, and read below about how similar Marvel characters are to DC characters. If you need evidence, then keep reading!

First off, compare the similarities between Deadpool (Marvel) and Deathstroke (DC). Deadpool’s name is Wade Wilson. Deathstroke’s name is Slade Willison. Coincidence? I bet not! And, can’t you tell that their outfits kind of look alike and they both use swords and guns. Plus, Deathstroke was created in 1980 when Deadpool was created in 1991-a full eleven years later!

And, what about Batman (DC) and Daredevil (Marvel)? Even though you’re thinking “Oh, Batman is rich and Daredevil is poor” you’d be wrong. In Daredevil’s original comics he was filthy rich and they both had the same purpose, same story, and guess what? Batman lost both his parents right in front of his eyes. Well Daredevil lost only one father, but oh wait a minute he can’t see. But it did happen right in front of him. Plus, Batman was created in 1939 while Daredevil was created in 1964. Even their costume looks alike too. Just make Daredevil’s costume black with a black cape and there are all of these different rip offs.

But I am not the only one who believes this. According to, ‘’Over the years there has been a few characters to come out of Marvel that have been suspiciously close to those of DC Comics.’’ Not only does Moviepilot agree with me, but the staff over at Looper Comics does too! According to them, “Bad news, hardcore Marvel nerds: many of your favorite characters were probably remorselessly stolen from your terrible arch-nemesis. Yes, it's true; DC Comics has been busting out awesome characters since 1934, so they had a five-year lead when Timely Comics, which would eventually become Marvel, launched in 1939, and Marvel's been trying to catch up ever since. Sure, Marvel is pretty great, but it has quite a few characters of questionable origin.”

I could go on and on. But, I think you should go do your own research. Just for the fun of it, go to this website and enter the debate at Prove me wrong, and maybe you can write your own article. Oh, but wait. You can’t write that article. Because why? Because I’m Batman? No, because you can’t prove Marvel didn’t rip off DC!



"DC Rips Off Marvel!" Http:// Movie Pilot, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

Staff, Looper. "Characters Marvel Stole from DC and Gave a New Name." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

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