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“Five Nights at Freddy’s”... the Review

Five Nights at Freddy’s is a Horror game made in 2014. It was created by Scott Cawthon with critics and players thinking that it was much better than his previous games Sit and Survive, The Desolate Hope, and Chipper and Sons Lumber Corporation. Critics said the characters in these other games moved unnaturally and were kind a scary looking. Depressed, Scott was about to quit. But then he took the animatronic idea and made a game of it called Five Nights at Freddy’s. You can find this game on iTunes, App Store, and other places you can download for mobile devices. It can also be downloaded on your desktop, but then you can’t take it in the car with you. And you are going to want to because... This. Game. Rocks.

The object of this game is to survive five nights in a pizza place similar to Peter Piper Pizza (the Pizza Ya Wanna Pick At…if you’ve eaten there, you know what I mean. You play the role of a security guard called in by the character Phone Guy to work minimum wage during 1993. It is a crummy job, but YouTube Rev doesn’t pay very well, so you might as well take the gig in order to pay your overdue rent. This is a horror game putting the player in the shoes of this unsuspecting security guard. Unlike most popular horror games, this one did not allow you to move other than to look from left to right. You check cameras to see which room the animatronics, the games’ monsters, is in. You also use door light to see if they are right next to the door. If you do see them in your door lights, you close the doors. The cameras and the doors each need power and have a limited amount of power to use them.

The animatronics monsters are Foxy, Chica, Freddy, and Bonnie. You need to use the doors and cameras I just talked about to keep them from stuffing you inside a spare Freddy Fazzbear suit. You have to keep an eye on Foxy especially. If he ever goes out of his curtain, you need to close the west hall door in time or else game over. You’re stuffed.

Now let’s talk about Freddy. Freddy is most active on the fourth night or on 20 20 20 20 mode on night 7. He is the only animatronic in Five Nights at Freddy’s 1 to have two jump scares. When you lose power he will play his music box (the song he plays is called the toreador march). His second jumpscare is when he is on the right door. He will also never show up on your door lights. If he shows up on your camera on the east door you need to close it or else game over again.

And, what do you need to know about Bonnie? Bonnie only shows up on the west door, and most of the time he is the first to leave the show stage. Never ever underestimate Bonnie or you will get jumpscared and game over.

Last but not least we have Chica. Chica will only show up on the right door if you hear metal clinging in the kitchen. Metal clinging means that’s chica so be aware and shut the east door. In fact, the kitchen camera is disabled so you can’t see her; you can only hear the noises and that is how you know Chica is in the kitchen.

The end

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