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Welcome to another month of your favorite captain’s impossible puzzles! Fun fact, since last you saw me, I have listened to the soundtrack of Hamilton at least ten times straight through, and then went back and memorized Act 1 because it was just that great. I even have several of the songs memorized. And because I know I’ll never be able to match the level of genius that shines through in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical, I decided against any riddles or songs for this month.

However, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t inspired me. I’ve decided to stick to my strengths, and instead go with a bedazzling crossword puzzle to razzle the senses. That’s right folks! A crossword puzzle…all about the America’s founding fathers.

But before I go further, let me encourage you to look into biographies of great men like Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette, and more! (I’d tell you to look up Thomas Jefferson, but the play kind of makes him look like a jerk, and I have it on good authority some people of his time wrote all about it.

For example, Google James Callender and see what he had to say, if you get a chance. ‘Course, before you do, I should probably make it clear I am totally Team Hamilton. Did you know General Hamilton was General Washington’s right hand man during the war, and was the founder of the New York Post as well as the U.S. Coast Guard? Not only that, it was he who penned the constitution we have today, but with severe changes made to it by other convention delegates. And yet, most people just know him as that treasury secretary dude.

That’s just wrong. This guy deserved more than a footnote in my history book.

In honor of his accomplishments and those of all the founding fathers, here’s a clue for this issue’s puzzle. This puzzle IS the founding fathers. And since I’m feeling generous, some of the hints and answers may or may not be Hamilton lyrics.

And if you’re an American history fan like I am, this puzzle should be a piece of cake. But if you aren’t… it’s time to break out google! Actually…no, it isn’t. Get the Hamilton soundtrack and binge accordingly. You’ll be glad you did! Google is cool, the soundtrack is better. You’ll learn more out of listening to the soundtrack than just a quick fix answer off the internet.

And that’s the last bit of encouragement you’ll be getting out of me for the rest of this puzzle.

Now, onto the instructions.

  1. If you look down below, you’ll see a crossword puzzle. Below that? Hints for the crossword puzzle answers.

  2. What I want you to do is take all the information you know about the founding fathers, from their personalities to Hamilton lyrics, and…

  3. From there, guess which founding father’s name belongs in the boxes. Once you’ve completed the puzzle, put your answers below

  4. and remember, even if someone else has answered… no cheating! The ghost of George Washington, moral and honorable as the man was in life, will haunt you if you cheat.


Strength and Honor (okay I always wanted to say that!),

Captain Cavechick

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