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Presidential Debate Review

For starters I would like to make clear that I am a Donald Trump supporter. In my opinion, Hillary Clinton proposes solutions to the topics thrown at her, but she doesn't propose a complete solution. For example, during the debate, she talked about how she wants to make college debt free so more young people can go to school. Sounds good, right? No. She wants to take money from the middle class and the majority of us are middle class! Technically, middle classmen would be paying for other people to go to school for free. That makes absolutely no sense; she basically just contradicted herself. On the other hand, Donald Trump provides solutions for his points. This can be seen through his reasoning concerning bringing more jobs back into the States when he said the country should lower its tax rates - the biggest drop in taxes since Ronald Reagan. This is a side note, but my family and I believe that the next company (or one of the upcoming companies) to leave the US will be Apple; this means we will have to pay more for our phones when they are already $700+. Lastly, Hillary Clinton tries to throw serious shade at Donald Trump's challenge to release the deleted emails for him to release his tax returns. Hillary Clinton came at this by claiming Donald Trump never paid any taxes and would never release his tax returns even if she released the emails. In my Republican opinion, Hillary Clinton just proved what a coward she is. Donald Trump is basically throwing his tax returns on the table and she won't even consider it! She's acting like it's no big deal. "Yes, I realize I made a slight mistake" –Hillary Clinton. "A small mistake? You made a big mistake!"-Donald Trump. Finally, this is my personal opinion on the debate; I was raised by a Republican mother and an Independent father, so my views are iffy. Personally, I am not 100% anti-Hillary Clinton. She has some good points; but could I see her as our next president? I don't think so.

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