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4 Guys from Iceland

4 Guys from Iceland

"No Good," "Glass House," and "Way Down We Go, "are all songs from the most awesome band Kaleo. Which song is the best? Who knows….

July 19, 2016 was one of the coolest days ever. It started something like this. It was a hot, humid day in St. Louis, MO. My Dad and I were going down to the restaurant Blueberry Hill that day to try and meet soon to be one of the best bands ever, Kaleo.They were playing in the basement of Blueberry Hill that evening. This is where the legendary Chuck Berry has played over 100 times. I had a black drumhead for the band to sign, along with a cool acoustic guitar. Once we got there, we saw a big tour bus which happened to be Kaleo’s! We were standing outside for a little while and then we saw this man going in and out of the bus. I asked him, “Sir, do you work for Kaleo?” he said, “Yes, I sure do. I am their Stage Manager.” I said, “Awesome!” The man walked away. He came back and was with the lead singer (JJ) and the drummer (David)!!! They all signed my stuff and the Stage Manager was taking a ton of pictures of me, JJ, and David! The pictures that he was taking were on Instagram and Facebook!! Here are the pictures below…

After pictures, JJ told the Stage Manager, “Get his info.” The Stage Manager was getting my Phone Number and my Address.

Later on, my Dad and I were sitting in his truck. My Dad got a phone call and it was the Stage Manager!! He said that we were on the VIP list because the show that night was SOLD OUT. The only disappointment was I had gotten the lead singer, JJ and the drummer, David’s autographs, but I didn’t have the guitar player’s (Rubin) or the bass player’s (Danny) autographs. That changed quickly when I got their autographs while they were doing their sound check!

It was show time! The show was absolutely incredible. Kaleo played a lot of their big hits like "No Good" and "Way Down We Go." After the show, the bass and guitar players, reached over and gave me their guitar pics. When everybody else was leaving, the Stage Manager gave me one of the set lists. A set list, is a piece of paper that each band member has. It has all of the songs that they are going to play that night, so that way everybody stays on track. After my Dad and I left, the lead singer was standing on the side of Blueberry Hill and I got him to sign the set list. He wrote, “To Anthony, from Kaleo, Keep Playing.”

Kaleo is one unique, Talented, Rockin’ and Rollin' Band! Listen to them every chance you can.





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