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Donald Trump Versus Hillary Clinton

Image Googled, taken from Google, from Politico

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Presidential Candidate, answered the first question, by articulating her economic policy. She spoke about equal pay for women and a level-playing field style economy. Donald Trump, Republican Presidential Candidate, also highlighted a frequent economic message: losing the global economic competition to countries like Mexico and China. American jobs, he said, are ending up in such countries. After Mr. Trump completed his response, Hillary Clinton began driving into her Republican opponent, accusing him of championing trickle-down economics; she called it an economy of “Trumped-up trickle-down”. As Mrs. Clinton spoke of her husband’s economic successes in office, Mr. Trump interjected by lambasting NAFTA which was signed during her tenure; Mrs. Clinton maintained her composure and simply continued to speak over him. Mr. Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership only due to his own opposition; she accused him of “living” in his “own reality”.

Mr. Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns was also invoked in the debate; the Republican nominee claimed that he will not release his taxes while under audit, with Mrs. Clinton asserting that he is being overly secretive. When asked about her private email server, Mrs. Clinton admitted that it was a “mistake” that she would not repeat; when she stated that it was a mistake, Mr. Trump interjected with a quip: “That’s for sure.”

On the issue of race, Mrs. Clinton mentioned establishing a better relationship between law enforcement and community citizens. She also emphasized the point of gun control, stating that guns contribute to a large number of fatalities among young African-American males. Mr. Trump honed in the message of “Law and Order”, and he also argued for a “stop and frisk” policy; he emphasized that his “Law and Order” policy would benefit minorities such as African-Americans and Hispanics.

Mrs. Clinton emphasized the significance of cyber-attacks against the United States; she largely incriminated Russia for aggressive cyber activity against the United States. As it pertains to the DNC hacking, Mr. Trump expressed doubt that Russia could be blamed.

On the issue of the terrorist group known as ISIS, Mrs. Clinton expressed hope that she could combat the terror group’s internet campaign. She also stated that the air campaign against ISIS must be reinvigorated and that providing assistance to ground forces combatting ISIS would be pertinent. Mr. Trump stated that President Obama’s removal of American troops from Iraq helped catalyze the rise of ISIS. He also mentioned that the United States should work with NATO to combat ISIS. When debate moderator Lester Holt suggested that Mr. Trump had supported the Iraq War, he denied the charge.

Mrs. Clinton defended the policy of rapprochement with Iran. She also lambasted what she sees as Mr. Trump’s dangerous stance on the issue of nuclear proliferation. Mr. Trump criticized the Iran Nuclear Deal, saying that it provided Iran with the means to heighten its stature.

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