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Belief in Independence

Can autism be amending independence making life meaningful? I am nonverbal autism! Being autistic can be challenging entering in a world of beautiful energy calling havoc to my senses. Consequently, hearing colors and seeing sound transcends me leaping to another world making me seem meaningless. That is far from the truth. As a result, learning to point on a letterboard transcends me to amazing, great language with full communication instead of dire muteness. How happy I became to show my intelligence by pointing on a letterboard but I can’t continue to be a slave to my remarkable letterboard resurrection generating salvation. Happiness awaits my amazing, gentle, independent life in making seamless growth to avert being lost causing anguish to my soul.

Importantly, connecting my amazing thoughts to my body movements degrades my aim to happily have a typical life. Consciously, I have great needed calmness inside my body; consequently I have detrimental vested uncontrollable external movements. My body freezes and marches to another tune. Move, I say in my mind but it hardly hears me because it is disconnected. Capabilities are inside me but autism becomes all-consuming making deafening chaos to those who see me. I am trying and practicing every day to heal and make new connections calling on angels to help me. Therefore, believing in heaven can have meaningful inspiring amending hope to wish for heroic independence and reconnecting my mind and body.

More important, inspiring healing to learn to play the piano makes me become more independent. Tender calmness captures my heart heading into beautiful healing causing happiness to awake my body connections. My amazing, valiant, healing, gentle piano teacher, Mr. Hurley heroically learns my hard senses. Happiness permeates throughout my disconnected autistic body.

“You will become more connected making new connections to your hands and fingers,” Mr. Hurley gallantly stated. I am becoming more connected to my body developing synchronization in my hands and fingers tapping into great creativity. Hence, I am astonishing myself in composing music that has heroically called to my heart.

“Baxter creates complex, creative pieces of music,” Mr. Hurley tenderly stated.

Being autistic hears insightful music to yearn meditation believing someday capabilities will cast light on my true abilities generating independence and finding inner peace braving the meaning of life.

Can typing heal me? Hard meaningful work calls angels daily to inspire me to become centered to believe in my future. Marvelous angels help me believe in my typing having happiness to heal. Believing in hard work generates inspiration to learn more and really improve my typing needed to take me to freedom. Furthermore, countless days aiming to improve my typing began hard with my meaningful, strong, amazing Mommy who really captures healing defying gentle strength calling happiness to my despair.

“All your courageous hard work to type will help your body and mind,” stated Mommy with valiant tenderness.

Most importantly, heaven granted needed tenderness overtly when my Mama and Mommy inspired every facet of my being. Healing has gently relived in my marvelous, loving, valiant Moms. God made my Moms believe in my abilities even having more meaningful tenderness in my muteness. Seeing my Moms beautiful, dear hearts heals my tender soul.

“I love you to infinity,” I pointed on my letterboard.

“I love you to infinity too,” Mommy lovingly stated with tears muddling in her eyes.

Moreover, inspiration calls me to benefit happiness in my strength to see tender care making marvelous, gentle calling on heaven for meaning in my autism. I ask God gently in my mind, How can I be independent if my autism interferes with my body senses heading on a collision course to chaos? God does not answer, but I still have hope and receive frequent calm inspiration from God’s angels. As a result, heaven tenderly hears my calls giving needed strength to my Moms. Consequently, I am learning exponentially and generating more healing to amend my future helping my great independence come to fruition.

In conclusion, being autistic generates many challenges, heartache and hard chaos ceasing meaning in sense to amend. There is hope and happiness in my life now inspiring seamless healing with vigorous strength. Primarily, having meaning and purpose delivers less chaos making more learning and peace heading for more growth to live independently. Will my loving Moms continue to amaze me even though typing is difficult capturing my defiant body?

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