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Breaking News: Student Council Elections

As one of the Co-Editors of the iGlobe, I strongly endorse and applaud all the efforts the Student Council has put towards uniting our student body. Activities such as Spirit Week and especially uniting us behind a mascot are huge accomplishments, and I personally can’t wait to see what the Student Council comes up with next. As such, I want to encourage every single student to consider either running for a vacant office or showing up to vote. Want to make a difference in our school? Voting is an easy way to do it; leading is the best way.

The Student Council has opened up the voting booth again as their inaugural first year comes to an end. Our school is changing at a rapid rate, and the Student Council coupled with the iGlobe school newspaper is at the heart of it. And because they are the center of our school, I highly encourage all of our readers, writers, and fellow students to consider viewing the Student Council video for how to get involved with them. The link, as noted, is posted above this article.

As a voter, you hold the power to decide who we elect as our student body leaders. What does that mean? It means that you alone can decide who represents your values and needs. These leaders will work to bring about change for the better that benefit you. By voting, you can say you had a hand in those changes. You can become directly involved in your school’s community by attending the meetings even if you prefer not to run for office.

And as a candidate? You have the chance to become one of the moving forces in our school! Students place their trust in you to empower them and improve their school experience. You are the representative of your grade, and you vote on what affects your fellow students. How cool is that? In the Student Council, you can learn leadership skills, work closely with some awesome moderators, and help take our school to the next level!

So here is what is necessary to be considered as a candidate.

1. Must be a full-time International Academy student.

2. Must have attended IA as a full time student for a minimum of one academic year.

3. Must have a minimum of a “C” average in previous IA courses.

Send all applications to Mrs. Chastian and Mrs. Oates-Robesch

For more information, check out this recording

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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