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Color-Blind? The Captain Says Find Out!

Greetings, fellow puzzlists! This month our puzzle focuses on eye exams. And might I add, it’s great to see you here this month!

Heh..hhehe….get it? Great to see yo—


Have you ever woken up one morning and wondered if you were color blind? No? Me neither. Well, at least I didn’t ‘til I was forced to leave the safety of my dark cave and be moved out into the light for an eye doctor’s appointment. Funny, the shadowy darkness I prefer never hurt my eyes. But that sunlight upon first emerging was a doozy. But how bad can sitting in the dark be for your eyes? Pff…

Anyways, the good ol’ doctors had me do a color blindness test. Sadly, I remarked that I didn’t see all the colors of the rainbow represented in their test since black was not among their pretty pictures. According to them my favorite, which happens to be pitch black, is not a color since it is the absence of color. Arguing got me nowhere. But regardless, I passed their exam the with…heh…flying colors…. don’t give me that look.

Anyways, back to me.

While they were testing me I got to thinking “what if some of my readers are color blind…” and would you actually know if you’re color blind? In the interest of improving your vision, I’ve brought to you today this month’s “Eye, Eye, Captain Cavechick Puzzle Quest!”

So, how do color blindness tests work? Well, I can’t be too specific as I would then be practicing optometry without a license. Don’t give me that look either. Suffice it to say that there is a bunch of different colored dots surrounded by other dots, and those dots make a morass of dots. Dots are where it’s at, people. If you can see the image within the dots, you then are likely not colorblind.

Has the iGlobe ever had a puzzle like this? I think not! And besides, I may not be licensed, but I have one of those faces that just makes you want to trust me. Seriously, trust me.


Your Puzzle Captain

How to take this colorblindness test:

  • Look at the images below, and see if you can guess what images the dots make up.

  • If you can, huzzah! Not colorblind!

  • Put in the chatbox below what the images are.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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