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Cupcake Maulers Have Feelings Too

I think babies are cute. But, my iGlobers, if I could go without ever having to clean up a mess they can cause again (even if I am temporarily out of commission due to a very annoying, very inconvenient sprained ankle, but I digress) I would be a happy camper. And furthermore, I’d probably have a cleaner campsite. But then I remind myself that, no, babies have nonexistent motor skills and it’s not their fault, and, yes, they’re cute. And because my little brother is the cutest and most-picture worthy baby around, I did just that. Take some pictures, I mean. A picture is worth a thousand words folks, and I’m challenging you to give me just a few.

Now, what exactly do I mean by that? Well, looking at those pictures, a person can’t help but wonder just what’s going through a baby’s mind as they maul on an innocent cupcake. Now, no one wants to know what the cupcake’s thinking (we’ll start to feel guilty, probably) but I want to hear your ideas for what my cute little cupcake murdering brother was thinking when we took these pictures. Place your ideas in the chatbox below!

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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