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Breaking News: Terrorist Attacks in Belgium

At shortly after 8 AM local time in Brussels, Belgium, terrorists allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State detonated suicide bombs and fired shots inside the city’s crowded Zaventem airport and minutes later at a busy subway metro near EU Headquarters. At least 30 innocent people were killed, and the injured numbered over 200 (CNN).

According to, ISIS targeted Belgium because it is seen as “‘a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State,’ although the country only carried out a limited bombing campaign confined to Iraq before stopping its air strikes in June, 2015.” Other commentators on networks such as Fox News and CNN have found it noteworthy the proximity of the U.S. embassy and NATO relative to the ‘soft targets’’ locations. Equally noteworthy is the timing. It was only last week that the alleged lead murderer responsible for the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam, was arrested and awaiting extradition.

This is the second terrorist attack on European soil after the Paris attacks of November, 2015. CNN reported that, “While jarring, the carnage wasn't altogether surprising. Belgium has been going after terrorist threats for months, as illustrated by last week's capture of Europe's most wanted man, Salah Abdeslam, in a bloody raid in Brussels.

"We were fearing terrorist attacks," Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told reporters Tuesday. "And that has now happened." Interestingly, news networks yesterday were reporting that London, England was on high alert suspecting the possibility of up to ten synchronized terror attacks. It was unclear, based on reports from CNN and Fox News, if these were cautionary exercises or something else.

As of 2:33 PM US CST, Belgium remains on high alert and has tightened security since the attacks. says that public transportation and the airport have been shut down for the time being. People without the proper badges aren’t allowed to approach the sites where the attacks took place, and a timetable for when these locations will be re-opened has yet to be announced. Citizens were also encouraged to stay indoors until the situation calmed down. While the country is preparing for more violence, some transportation has reopened to the public.

Three men caught on a security camera have raised the suspicion of authorities as potential terrorists responsible for this attack. It’s been speculated that these attacks come from the same terror cell that was responsible for the Paris attacks. Regardless, countries all around the world are showing support for Belgium during this time.

U.S. President Barack Obama, expressing his condolences from Havana, Cuba, said “"We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium in bringing to justice those who are responsible, and we stand in solidarity with them in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. This is yet another reminder that the world must unite," Obama said. "We must be together regardless of nationality or race or faith in fighting against the scourge of terrorism (CNN)."

In response to the attacks security has been increased in the United States at major landmarks and ‘transportation hubs’ like airports, trains, and subways (USA TODAY). However, the Department of Homeland Security stated publicly that they knew of no specific threats against the United States at this time.


The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

"Brussels: Live News on Attacks." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

"26 Killed in Blasts at Brussels Airport, Subway Station." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

Shannon, Victoria. "Brussels Attacks: What We Know and Don’t Know." The New York Times. The New York Times, 22 Mar. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

"Obama: The World Must Unite after Brussels Attacks." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

Diebel, USATODAY Matthew. "No Specific Threats to U.S. as Authorities Boost Security Nationwide." USA Today. Gannett, 22 Mar. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.


K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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