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My favorite recipe is struffoli it tastes like this donut thing!


4 eggs

¼ cup of butter

1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour

¼ cup of sugar 1 table spoon baking powder

¼ cup of honey

1 liter vegetable oil

½ cups of candies

Kendall Haney: Kaylen! Your heritage is from Italy! Tell me, when do you get to make these donuts? Are they only around the holidays or whenever you like to have them?

Kaylen Lucchese: Actually, we make them every Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Kendall Haney: Do you make them with your family?

Kaylen Lucchese: Yes.

Kaylen Lucchese: Actually just my Mom. My Dad doesn't cook.

Kendall Haney: How would you describe their taste? If I made them, how would I know that I did it right?

Kaylen Lucchese: It tastes like a glaze donut, but much sweeter and a lot more flavor.

Kendall Haney: The dough should be soft on the inside, but should it be crispy on the outside?

Kaylen Lucchese: No. It should be creamy all through.

Kendall Haney: How do I know when to take them out of the oil?

Kaylen Lucchese: Do you know the stage before a cookie turns brown?

Kaylen Lucchese: You take them out then.

Kendall Haney: Ah! Okay! And what setting should the stove be on? Super hot, medium, or low?

Kaylen Lucchese: 350

Kaylen Lucchese: so hot

Kendall Haney: Wait...are these cooked in the oven or in oil on the stove like American donuts frequently are?

Kaylen Lucchese: keep a close eye on them

Kaylen Lucchese: in the oven

Kendall Haney: Oh!!!! Thank you so much for these tips! I'm going to try them, and then I'll report back to you next issue of the iGlobe! Sound good?

Kaylen Lucchese: Yes.

Kendall Haney: Ciao!

Kaylen Lucchese: Thank you! Or, should I say merci?

Kendall Haney: Bello! i Prego!!

Image credit:

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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