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Happy Roman Birthday to Me!

On my 9th birthday, my Momma took me to Rome, Italy. She asked me if I wanted to take my two brothers and my sister with me. I said no. But, they wound up coming anyway. I guess I’m glad they came…mostly. Just kidding! I’m glad they came. I mean, they did take some good pictures.

And, I thought I would send you guys some of my favorite pictures. I wish I was still there. The best parts were going to my favorite restaurant ‘Wanted.’ Actually, it turned out to be the only real Italian restaurant we went to twice. We went to another restaurant and I had lobster, but I didn’t really like it. For some reason we went to McDonald’s at least three times and we ate a lot of sandwiches from the cafes. I was mad because McDonald’s in Italy for some reason is way nicer and tastes better than in the United States. Why? Didn’t we invent McDonald’s?

Anyway, hope you like the pictures. If you have any questions, I’ll answer in the comments box.

The first place we went to was the coliseum. Everyone knows what the coliseum looks like from a distance. But, a lot of people don’t know what it looks like close up. Do you see all the holes in the wall? A lot of people think it is because the coliseum is old. Not true. These holes were done by the Vatican when it ruled Rome. There was metal inside the walls, and they took the metal to make other things. If they hadn’t taken the metal, there would not be holes. And, probably, the Coliseum would have remained intact on all its walls. But, there was an earthquake and taking the metal made part of the coliseum fall down. So yep…this is the coliseum close up.

This is what the coliseum looks like on the inside. You have to pay money to go inside, but my Momma said that is okay. She said they were using the money to fix the coliseum. It was cool. What you see in this picture is the underground hidden chambers where the animals were kept before they entered the arena to fight gladiators. After Rome fell, the coliseum wasn’t a sports arena anymore. Instead, it became an outdoor market for the few Romans who stayed instead of leaving. There used to be hundreds of thousands of people living in Ancient Rome. But, when it fell, only about 20,000 people remained. Did you know that the word coliseum means stadium in Latin? At least that’s what the tour guide said.

So you’re wondering why a fountain is one of the stuff I like in Rome. Well it’s not. The Trevi Fountain is one of the stuff I like in Rome. The Trevi Fountain is big and pretty. You’ll see what might be Roman gods and what they might have looked like to Romans. You’ll see the Roman god Jupiter. Or the Roman god Saturn. Which to the Romans Saturn was believed to be Jupiter’s dad.

This is a picture of Pope Francis. As a gift to him, a country sent some acrobats. They were cool. Except for the clowns. Clowns scare me. But this picture was taken right after the mass with Pope Francis. Pope Francis is way cool. He told everyone there to be merciful, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless. Anyway, I decided I’d be Catholic because Pope Francis is a good guy. I liked learning all the stories about St. Peter and his friends, and all the people who fought to make sure everyone knew Jesus too. We walked a lot!

Did I say at the beginning I was only mostly glad they came? Well, I’m really glad they came. And, I got a watch. See my watch? I got that for my birthday too. It’s a cool watch.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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