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World of Warcraft the Siege of Orgrimmar

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Hello, IGLOBERS!!!!!! Today, we’ll be talking about the Siege of Orgrimmar from the World of Warcraft! Instead of talking about professions like we did in my other article, this time we’ll be talking about lore: AKA history and culture of World of Warcraft. I hope that you think my articles are so good that you will want to play this game!

It all began long ago. The clash of wars have been thundered out again. But the Alliance and the Horde has had another war and it was during the Pandarein age. The Hordes leader Garrosh had decided to attack the Pandarein for he had a better plan for them. He had something the Pandarein had contained for a long time. Garrosh thought that if he put the Heart of the Sha’s in the most peaceful pond in the world, he would be more powerful than the alliance. But, he didn’t know that by doing this it would corrupt the entire world of Azeroth.

30 years before the war began, there was someone named Alysa Union and Hougin Firbrew. They were both in love with each other, but their differences could be their worst enemy. Their Master Taren Zho was the leader of the Shado Pan and they represented the black tiger, the sneakiest animal in the world. Alysa and Hougin Firbrew had decided to go to the Horde, but Alysa joined the Alliance instead after Hougin betrayed her by destroying part of the island she loved. Master Taren Zho was right. He was right that Alyssa could never be with her reckless boyfriend Hougin. She was all about peace, and he was all about war.

Present day In Pandaria; The Battle had begun. Taren Zho was with his Army to stop Garrosh for putting the Heart of the Sha’s in the Pools of the Peace. Garrosh had defeated the Pandaren and Taren Zho was captured. But two Tauren tribes of the Horde stood against the Horde supreme leader Garrosh. These two Horde tribes went against Garrosh, their leader, because they believed he was CRAZY!!!!!!! Garrosh dueled the Taueren leader, and the leader was killed. Garrosh went on with his plan, and for thirty years he planned to find out where the Pandareins lived.

The Darkspear, another horde group of trolls, were the last to fight against the Horde leader Garrosh. But they needed help. They asked the Alliance to help them, but the Alliance didn’t come to help. They were like, dude, this is your problem. You figure it out. There were very few who came.

Present day, the Alliance had come to Pandaria. But there was a horde base in front of it. A ship came, and they tried to assault it the best they could so they could sneak into the village. They made it to Paw Don Village. Many were greatly wounded. S1:7, agents of the Alliance, went out to complete the mission to find the Prince of Stormwind, the King’s son. The fight was led by the fleet Admiral Taylor.

A few months later…

The Prince of Stormwind had been found and Admiral Taylor was also found. But, the Admiral was greatly injured and S1:7 had lost its leader. They made it to a Village called Binna Brew Village and it was under attack by the Youngol. A pack of bandits that attacked them and the Youngol wanted to take Binna Brew. And there they met The Shado Pan and they told them that their leader Taren Zho has been captured and ‘’they said we know’’ and “we’re here to stop them.”

A few more months later…

The Prince of Stormwind is safe in the hands of Binna Brew while they needed a base badly to train everyone and so they found one perfect spot for them. They were ready to go into the Towwling Steps, and then to the Shado Pan Garrison. Then Janina Proudmore, aka the leader of the Kirn Tor, said they were going to stop the Horde advance to the thunder king.

And then more months later…they know…they must stop the Sha!

The Alliance was out to weaken the Sha of Anger. They couldn’t kill it because it was fueled by anger and rage like Warriors, only much more evil. Warriors aren’t evil, but the Sha is. And if the warriors did kill the Sha they would have to stop the war because it would just come back by all the rage and hatred the Horde is bringing. The Alliance thought for a moment that they needed help and that they can’t just have the help of two bad Horde tribes. The Tauern had found a new leader so they can fight again, and the trolls weren’t really all that helpful so they consulted with the Pandaren tribes. The Shado Pan wasn’t one of the 4. Each of the clan represented an animal; Order of the Jade Serpent represented the Jade Dragon; Order of the Golden Tiger, represented Xenu the Greatest of all tigers; Order of the Ononix clan represented the OX of Pandaria; Order of the Crane clan represented the crane and were the fastest animal of the world. At first the Orders/Clans said no to help the alliance and then they saw the true power of the Horde. They were worried about this power because it was the Horde’s fault that the Sha came back to haunt them all. Then the Orders agreed to fight. They said yes to helping.

And then…it was time…!

The siege of Orgrimmar has come. They first needed to cleanse the pool before going to battle for Orgrimmar. Cleansing the pools would defeat the Sha. After heavy fighting, they had finally cleansed the pool and now could go into battle for Orgrimmar. The battle was thundering with battle cries of the warriors ready to fight for their cause—the Alliance would not be defeated!

And fear and death came to the land…

Then the battle was over. Garrosh was the last to go, and the Alliance after capturing him let the Pandarians decide his fate. They went to Garrosh quarters and then Thrall, the most powerful Shaman in Azeroth, faced Garrosh.

After decades of fighting, the Alliance could go back to their homes. The Pandarians returned to living in peace. And the horde elected a new leader called Vol Jinn, the leader of the Darkspear Horde Clan. What will happen next? Only the Warcraft Titans know!!!

Author’s note: You can now get gear form pvp from a gold strong box. And there are guilds who would love to have you. Rankings allow you to access things like guild vault or allow you to go to things in traditional battle gear. First, you would be an initiate. And then as you get more achievements the Guild Master would give you a better rank. Or, the Guild Master would set up an event. Tune in next month….for more…LORE OF WORLD OF WARCRAFT.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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