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Once upon a time, there were people called Tumblberrys because they could fly all over the place. They were raised on an island. They slept in the trees. They all had the same job: to protect the island home. The girls wore blue and purple sparkle dresses, and the guys wore jeans and a white shirt. As you know, the Tumblberrys could fly, except one, Jessica.

Everyone else was dancing and flying, while she just danced and watched. Then everyone stopped and there were nets flying all over the place! The little Tumblberry saw their enemy was approaching. Jessica turned and ran and ran until this shark headed thing caught her! She pushed her arms back and forth, but each time she tried the shark headed thing gripped her harder and harder. She wiggled her feet, but they did not budge. She was so frightened that she passed out. When she woke up, she was in this little cage with only a stack of straw. Then she screamed, “HELP!” at the top of her lungs. She missed her mommy so much that she decided to try and escape. She took straw and tied it together with her hair tie and made a key! But then a huge headed black robe came in and took the key she made and threw it far out of her reach. Now her hope was lost, and she didn’t have another key, but that wasn’t her only problem now. The mysterious black robe was in there with her!

But then the black robe thing said, “Don’t be afraid” and took off the hoody of the robe and said, “My name is Alexa. I’m here to get you out.”

“But you threw my key I was going to get out of here myself until you threw my key,” said Jessica.

Alexa said, “It is not a key to get out; it’s who always open the door with their magic.”

“Okay, and I think we got off to the wrong start. My name is Jessica, and now I think you should open the door, so we can get out.”

“Yes. Okay,” said Alexa. Alexa blasted the door open with water and they ran out. But the whole dungeon was on a stranded island in the middle of nowhere. They saw logs and put them together and used nets to tie them up. Then, they started rafting up the river.

“Jessica! we need to go back for all your friends and family that are still trapped there,” said Alexis.

“Oh no! I didn’t know other people were imprisoned there,” said Jessica.

They took sticks and rowed back. They saw guards lined all the way across. How could they get past them?

Alexa said, “I’ve heard about Tumblberrys. Are you one them?”

Jessica said, “Yes!”

And then Alexa said, “Just fly past them and bring all the people that you know!”

"I can’t,” said Jessica.

“And why not?” asked Alexa.

“Because I can’t fly like all the other Tumblberrys. I don’t fly. I can’t fly. ITS IMPOSSIBLE!” screamed


“Not true,” said Alexa. “You’re just probably too scared.”

“Not true! I can’t even lift myself up a centimeter!” said Jessica.

“OKAY, I will believe you, but now how do we get past the guards?”

“Ooh! I have a invisibility cloak we can use,” said Jessica.

“Great!” said Alexa. “Let’s row back to the castle to get your family and friends out of the prison.” They rowed back and they got the people and ran out. The other Tumblberrys flew and Alexa and Jessica went on the boat and they landed on an island in a huge barrier. They were saved! Now they needed to get back to their homeland. Everyone was hungry after flying for a long time, so they stopped at a pixie deli, where the best foods were made. They all ate their food and they started to their homeland. Then Jessica said to Alexa, “Where are your parents?”

Then Alexa shot back, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Then she said, “I’m sorry it’s just that my parents were killed by a man named Horanzo . He is a devilish man. He went from house to house doing what he did to my parents. It’s just wrong.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Jessica.

“It’s okay. You didn’t know. I see my island.”

“Let’s go!” said all the Tumblberrys. They asked Alexa if she would live with them, and she said yes. They lived happily ever after. THE END

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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