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Nevada Caucus and South Carolina Primary Results

On February 20th, the Nevada and South Carolina primary results appeared. The Democrats, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, jousted for Nevada while the six Republicans of the race tried to breakthrough in South Carolina.

In South Carolina, Donald Trump received first place with a ten percent margin between him and potential second placer Marco Rubio, the Florida Senator. This was Senator Rubio’s greatest success in the primary season thus far, arriving on the heels of a poor showing in New Hampshire. However, Senator Rubio’s second place victory is extremely thin and perhaps tentative since there is only a 0.2% margin between him and the third placer, Ted Cruz, the Texas Senator. Jeb Bush, the former Florida Governor, locked in at fourth place; however, he received under eight percent of the vote and, having not managed any primary successes thus far, he suspended his campaign. John Kasich, the Ohio Governor, and Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, received fifth and sixth place, respectively.

In Nevada, Hillary Clinton pushed ahead of Bernie Sanders by about a four percent margin. The competition between the two candidates has continued to become more contentious as the first primary results appeared with a very narrow victory for Secretary Clinton in Iowa and triumph by a wide margin for Senator Sanders in New Hampshire.

Information from CNN coverage.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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