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Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles...Because I Love You

Happy Hearbreak, Puzzlers! It’s February!

A new year has rolled around, and that means new puzzles! And while that alone is something to celebrate, sadly this particular month seems slated for those dreamy eyed, easily confused by their hearts’ desires types.

That would not be your Captain, my friends. And since you’ve clicked on this page, I’m betting it’s not you either.

And this month’s puzzle is especially so not for the faint of heart, or for the easily confused Romeo or Juliet! Or, for a heart that has been pierced by cupid’s not so sharp arrow….I mean, I rather think his arrow looks dull in all the photos. Sometimes I think Cupid got stuck with the ‘I wuv you’ holiday because he’s not terrifying, and thus the monsters kicked him out of the Halloween Club just so they could preserve their image.

If so, your Captain thinks she and the Pumpkin King would likely get along. I think I’d rather write about cousin Princess and her gooey fingers at Christmas again. Shiver.

But, surprise, surprise! There is no escaping that February has messaged us like the ex-boyfriend that didn’t let me know he’d unfriended me on Facebook before I showed up at his house with my guitar last year on Valentine’s Day.

Um, right….

Anyway, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means this sad and alone cavechick will OD on excessively expensive chocolate boxes she sent herself just so there can be refreshments at her one guest pity-party. Worst part? There is only one or two chocolates in every Whitman’s box that actually tastes halfway decent (newsflash: no one likes coconut.)

Sadly, I couldn’t send personalized chocolate boxes to every single one of you my readers, or I definitely would have! But, I did make this pretty rocking puzzle for you to solve. That’s basically the same thing, right? You guys don’t know what you’ll get! It could be a good puzzle, or a bad puzzle, or an okay puzzle because I learned in my Art class that everything is subjective. Nothing is true, everything is permitted? Wasn’t that art? Oh wait…

Wait, no, that wasn’t in my Art class.

Err, right… onto the puzzle!


  1. Down below we’ve got the alphabet. Over those letters, symbols have magically found themselves there!

  2. With these symbols, I have encoded a super-secret message to all my readers.

  3. Your job is to figure out what that message is using my coded alphabet, and then…whatever you want?

As always my readers, follow your heart.

Much love,

Your Capain

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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