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Sid Meyer’s Civilization Revolution Is the Best Game Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Part One)

That’s right folks. Sid Meyer’s “Civilization Revolution” is the best game ever! The object of this video game is to conquer the world by building an empire using technology, soldiers, and good government. But before you can play, you need to know who the countries and the world leaders are. Now I am first going to explain how to win, and then I will explain the leaders and the countries you can choose to be.

First, in this game these advisors will show up and it is optional to let them teach you how to play. They are going to tell you how to play, but I think you should just keep reading my iGlobe article because I am going to tell you how to, well, win.

There are five different victory types: population, scientific, domination, economic, and spreading religion. You are the world leader. You pick from sixteen different options of who you want to be. I am going to cover eight of the options in part one of this article. Some leaders are better at getting some victories than others.

So we have England and their leader is Elizabeth the First. They start out with a monarchy and they get longbow archers instead of normal archers. They get a boost in production and they also get a boost in naval production. I think that the English would be better for population victory.

Then we have Caesar as the leader of the Roman Empire. But you don’t start out as an empire; you start out as a kingdom. If you start out a settler, you get only one city in the starting zone so you probably don’t start out as an empire though you do get more land when you conquer more cities. They start out with a republic type of government in the starting zone. Then when you reach ancient era, you get half price roads. And in the medieval era you get half price wonders, but we will get to wonders soon. I think that Rome would be better for domination victory

Now we have the Aztecs. The Aztec leader is Montezuma the Second. They start out with 25 gold and then in the ancient era the men you use to conquer cites will always heal after victorious combat. And in the medieval 1/3 of temple production will be science. Which I think would be better to get economic victory.

We also have India whose leader is Gandhi. The Indians start out with all resources available and in the ancient era sites are not affected by anarchy. How you get anarchy will be explained later. In the medieval era you will get the religion kind of government for India. I think that would be better for a religion victory.

Next we have Egypt. Their leader is Cleopatra and they start with an ancient wonder. Then they get in the ancient era +1 food and trading and in the medieval era they get irrigation. The +1 food gets you more population. I think Egypt would be better for population victory.

Mongolia’s leader is none other than the Mongolian king himself Genghis Khan. We will first start out with +50% trade from captured cites and in the ancient era they will get barbarian villages as cities if captured. Medieval era Calvary get +1 moves. I think that Mongolia is better for domination victory.

Next we have China whose leader will be Mao and they will start out with the knowledge of writing. In the ancient era new cites will have +1 plus population and in the medieval era they will have the knowledge of literacy. I think that China will be better for a scientific victory.

Finally we have France with the French leader, Napoleon. France will start with a cathedral in their capitol and in the ancient era they will get the knowledge of pottery. In the medieval era they will get ½ priced roads and roads will give your soldiers extra move spaces to other cities. I think the French will be better for religion victory.

Look for my next article by next month on the next deadline and remember this is part one of 2 parts.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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