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A Pen Pal Connection

To Baxter,

Warmly, Kendall

Dear Baxter,

I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to write! Between school, chores, karate, chores…well, you get the idea. How are you?

I think I mentioned once that I was born in Austin, TX. How’s the weather right now? It has been many years since I have been there, but I vaguely remember green grass and sunlight. And, oddly a Sponge Bob piñata. What a silly thing to remember!!

Anyway, I imagine the weather in Texas is better than it is here. In Saudi Arabia during the winter it isn’t too bad, the highs are usually around 80 and the lows are in the high sixties. But I don’t go out too much here, regardless. In your picture, it looks like you enjoy the sunshine and outdoors! For now, I’m enjoying my couch until 6 PM, when we run a mile or two and then practice karate for upcoming tournaments. The walls around my house are 12 feet high, and I’ve learned that while Saudis are very, very nice people, they have large families and many family obligations. It is really special when they include you in one of their family meals. Some families here have over 100 in their immediate families!

It’s taken a little while, but I’ve come to actually really like the food here! There’s some great Middle Eastern food, and I really love the shawarma that’s here. Shawarma is chicken wrapped up in a very thin wheat bread. It’s thinner than a tortilla. They have a really great sauce they use that isn’t quite ketchup. It’s sweeter than that. There are also a lot of restaurants that you’d find in the US here, like McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC. When it comes to restaurants in Austin, which are your favorite? I remember the cheeseburgers there are the best. You have Whataburger, right? Did I mention

cheeseburgers are my favorite food? I really love cheeseburgers…

Actually, just tell me all about the cheeseburgers in the States and I’ll be happy.

Just kidding! ;)

What’re your favorite things to do where you are? What movies are playing right now? Anything interesting happening locally that Armed Forces Network might not be showing? That’s how I get television while my family works here. Anyway, I’m open to anything! Tell me how things are in your neck of the world! (Can you tell I miss home?)


Kendall J

January 21, 2016

Dear Kendall,

I am so touched by your letter and happy that you are telling. I am greatly understanding about how busy our lives are having marvelous chaos. I am well and gallantly making improvements in my determination to overcome autism’s belligerent mean hold.

I am not sure if I told you that I was born in Austin too. Wow, it sure is a small world! Austin’s weather has been nice with highs in the 50’s and lows in the 30’s. My Moms and I have a goal this year to hike every weekend around Austin on a new trail each time.

I really love to learn about different cultures and traveling to inspiring new places of the world. Have you traveled to any other places outside of Saudi Arabia? Tell me more about their culture. It’s very interesting to have you there and talk about Saudi Arabia. Tell me about the landscape too. Are there mountains, rivers?

The marvelous food there sounds great but I would miss cheeseburgers too! That is one of my favorites along with pizza. It must be hard to make adjustments but gallant you are now. I would have a hard time without lasting, magnificent, delicious ketchup. Maybe I would like their happy ketchup like sauce. We do love Whataburger as a fast food hamburger but there are many great, unique restaurants around Austin that have wonderful cheeseburgers like Hut’s or Dirty Martin’s on Guadalupe Street.

Being autistic has many challenges and great loneliness. I believe real friendship has amazing understanding for each other’s uniqueness. Thank you for being my amazing, inspiring, great, brave, friend.

Lasting friendship,

Baxter J

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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