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Who We Are; A PMV

Greetings readers! This month, I’ve prepared something special for you. Instead of a comic or article, as I have done before, I decided to try something brand new: a Picture Music Video (PMV for short). PMVs are multiple illustrations put together to music, often working together to form a story. The one below is my first attempt at stop-motion animation. Each still was drawn by hand, with each animation done frame by frame like an old-fashioned flipbook animation. Coming up with the theme of this PMV was relatively easy. I was inspired by the Gravity Falls episode “A Tale of Two Stans” (spoilers ahead if you’re interested; it’s a great episode!) and was able to incorporate that into the song “Who We Are” by the band Imagine Dragons. However, physically making the PMV was a different story. It took many randomly scattered hours across a busy, 2-month schedule to finish this project, but the completed product was worth the effort. I am very excited to see where this artistic experiment will lead me, and I am eager to do something like this again sometime. P.S: For extra fun, I’ve included a coded message at the end of the video! Here’s a hint: three letters back. Software used: Autodesk SketchBook Express 6.2 Wacom Tablet and stylus Window Live Movie Maker (This video is best viewed with headphones—the ending music is really hard to hear otherwise, due to Movie Maker only allowing a certain volume.)


K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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