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World of Warcraft: A Game Review

I have an idea for the leaders of the free world to resolve all conflicts! We should get online together, you can join Veritas guild in the realm of Agamagen in the World of Warcraft, and we can settle all disputes like men!!! Best news? World of Warcraft is coming out with a new update called Legion in 2016, more online YouTube trailers, and even a blockbuster summer movie!!!!!!!! The time for war (and then peace followed by more war) is now—online war! World leaders who want to come play don’t even have to level up anymore. For $69.99 you can get a level 100 character boost and get your garrison to level 3. You get a barracks at a level 2, and a bank at level 1. Who doesn’t want a bank? A bank can store your stuff so you don’t have to carry a lot of stuff. I think you can even get a forge where you can craft your own items like weapons and armor. You get an inn which you can get boss/hero characters (they aren’t real people, but don’t tell them that) from all over World of Warcraft to give you quests. And, if you wait to get to level 60 to get the boost, you get Veteran Rewards. But, if you don’t wait until level 60 you don’t get Veteran Rewards. But it doesn’t stop there! You get to learn professions in Warcraft. Professions is where you get to learn what you learn in real life. Here is what professions you get: Alchemy Alchemists use herbs to create strange, magical drinks that heal, empower, and produce a lot of positive effects - invisibility, elemental resistance, mana restoration, and much, much more Mining Miners are people who mine ore and value it. Most people don’t fight in wars. Some people just mine and they just sell what they can. Skinning This is a skill which I only think is for hunters. I mean you can do skinning in different classes but I think that this one is only for hunters. Basically, you get the fur off of animals you kill and then you sell it or make clothing. Cooking For everyone who loves cooking you can do that in world of Warcraft too. You can cook from wonderful and terrible places in world of Warcraft, but you have to survive with the items around you. Archaeology Archaeology is where you can find artifacts from all over World of Warcraft, but where do you have to go to find these artifacts? How am I supposed to find them? There is a red zone on your map. That is where you have to find them, and if you want to find them you have to do a survey. If you want to play World of Warcraft you go to your spell book. Then you find your professions. Then you go to that where it says survey. You click on that survey button then it shows up your equipment to find artifacts like a spyglass or metal detector. Fishing Do you guys or gals want to relax? Well, fishing is in it for you. You can fish anywhere you want. You can get fishing supplies and fish anywhere and relax. Blacksmithing Do you guys just get sick about creating your own garrison stuff and repair your armor which costs a lot of gold if it’s really bad. If you want to do blacksmithing then you can repair your own armor. But, if you do blacksmithing you have to get mining cause if you don’t you have to buy your own materials and I don’t think anybody want’s that. Tailoring If you guys are just sick of just buying shirts or pants then Tailoring is just for. You can craft your own pants or shirts, but if you are going to do that then I recommend you do skinning. Herbalism If you guys just want flowers then herbalism is just for you. You can harvest stuff from flowers so that you can do stuff. But, if you are going to do that I recommend alchemy so that you can craft potions and stuff. First aid If you guys want to save lives in Azeroth then first aid is just for you. You can physically save someone’s life and craft bandages to heal yourself too. Enchanting If you guys want to enchant your weapons to make them better this is what you should pick. And, you can enchant your armor too. Jewel crafting If you guys want to craft jewelry then jewel crafting is just for you. If you do that I recommend doing mining and enchanting so that you don’t have to buy materials and you don’t have to do quests to get enchanted rings. Engineering If you guys want to do this profession then I recommend mining too. This is where you can build stuff and maybe explode stuff just not in the real world but only in world of Warcraft. This is a very powerful profession, but nobody gets hurt. Inscription If you guys want to increases your hero’s powers, yep you heard me, inscription is what you need to do! You inscribe your weapons and it doubles your stats! Leatherworking If you guys chose a hunter or a rogue or druid then I would choose leatherworking for you guys. You can craft your own armor like in Blacksmithing. Also, I would choose skinning so that you don’t have to buy materials. Look at all this stuff we can do world leaders! And of course, if you want to fight, we can do that too. Well that how much words I could put in here so I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope you can play Warcraft and join my guild and if you want to play the game of war for real, here’s the link Image credits: World of Warcraft website;_ylt=AwrSbgLBqVFW8akA5rNXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lzZXRfY2hyX3N5Y19vcmFjbGUEZ3ByaWQDMTZNcjYwY0VTS0NPOFBQbVcxMUY4QQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMTAEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDd29ybGQgb2Ygd2FyY3JhZnQgcGljBHBxc3RybAMyMQRxc3RybAMyNgRxdWVyeQN3b3JsZCBvZiB3YXJjcmFmdCBwaWN0dXJlcwR0X3N0bXADMTQ0ODE5MjQ2MQ--?p=world+of+warcraft+pictures&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=yset_chr_syc_oracle&type=orcl_default

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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