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The Importance of Ambition

Different people have different ambitions in life. Some desire to be rich, some wish to become leaders of the country to gain honor, some want to become great scientists and so on. Every person has one ambition in life. It is always a good thing to have an ambition in one’s life. A man or woman without an ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder. It is at the mercy of the winds to be tossed hither and thither aimlessly as it does not have a set destination. Without any set aim, a person cannot achieve anything in life. An ambition is very essential to have in one’s life. Not only that, a person should work hard to achieve his or her ambition. An ambition means that you have to work vigorously to achieve your goal. Even when your family is not happy about your ambition, you still have to strive hard to achieve it. An ambition differs from man to man. My ambition in life is to become a writer. It has been my wish to become one because I like to read books and due to that, my grammar and idea-thinking qualities are very strong. I have also been very good at making up imaginary stories in school when I was young. (I also kept a diary back then) Even my teachers and family praise my rapid-thinking and quickly forming response abilities. I think every human being should keep an ambition in his or her life. An ambition keeps us busy and happy and doesn’t give us time to dwell on what is going wrong in our life when there is so much that is going right!

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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