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K12 IA Former Student: Music Can Change the World; Writes Song about Paris Attacks and Publishes on

Respect, kindness, and a desire to honor the fallen victims of the Paris Terror attacks on November 13, 2015, fueled former K12 IA student Alex LaRosa to write his latest song entitled "Je t'aime." “Late last night, I wrote a song for Paris and today I decided it needed to be recorded,” wrote Alex on his YouTube channel.

The lyrics of the song are captivating, and haunting. When interviewed about it, LaRosa said, “Well, when I heard about the attack in Paris I figured it was a “regular” sort of attack… But then when I watched the news that night I realized it was so much bigger than that… And it really hurt me for some reason. Normally, I’m very relaxed about that sort of thing; ISIS beheads someone and I say ‘well that’s war for you.’ But in this case it hit me a lot harder. I guess I really felt the need to do something, and since songwriting is what I do, I thought maybe I can make a small difference through a song.” When asked about his musical ambitions he says that music remains a love, but his first ambition right now is college. Still, he went on to say, “Actually, I’m studying journalism and I just do music on the side. It’s been good so far though, I’ve actually been booked to a few events lately. LaRosa is in a band. “It’s me and one bandmate right now, with a drummer being recruited now and still looking for bass, possibly keyboard. If anyone is interested they can go to Guess that’s shameless promotion, huh?!” he laughed. This isn’t the first time LaRosa has attempted to change the world in the best way he knew how through the use of music. LaRosa spearheaded the IA Academy’s first Virtual Band with Gabrielle Toutin. For this reason, the iGlobe would like to recognize LaRosa as an ‘iGlobe Hero’ for his attempt to create the world we all want to live in ‘Je t’aime.’

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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