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Interviewing Leslie Anderson!

Mrs. Leslie Anderson isn’t just any teacher to me. She is one of those few people that I have a vague recollection of from when I was much younger. Before she was an administrator for our school, she was my teacher. I think I might have been one of her last students.

I wasn’t always very fond of school, or reading for that matter. I recall thinking it was hard., but I do remember her encouraging words. And, if Ms. Anderson you read this, I remember that in our conversations you would call me ‘sweet girl’ and I really liked that. Like, you liked me. I never told you, but I liked you right back.

It’s my pleasure to get to introduce Ms. Anderson to our school in her first interview with the iGlobe! And, Ms. Anderson, thanks so much for taking the time to letting us all get to know you better.

  1. Let’s get started with the basics: What do you teach, where are you from, and what do you like to do where you live for fun?

What do you teach?

I have taught grades K-8. Presently, I am the Deputy Head of School. I love working with students, parents, and my colleagues.

Where are you from?

We live in St. Augustine, FL. It is a town just south of Jacksonville, FL where I grew up. St. Augustine is filled with lots of history and excitement.

What do you like to do for fun?

We love going to the beach in St. Augustine. Each weekend from May through September you will find us at the beach. My son is involved with Boy Scouts and golf and my daughter is a competitive gymnast.

  1. What’s the most interesting current event that has happened where you live in the last six months?

There have been many current events occurring within the world lately. Whether the bombings in Paris, to the 2016 campaign debates, to the Syrian refugees migrating west; there is much happening in the world where we all need to listen, have compassion, and extend our hearts. During the 9/11 events in New York I lived in New York City. I was teaching at the United Nations International School when the event occurred.

  1. Did you always want to be a teacher?

I have always wanted to be a teacher. My sister and great friends Stephanie and Cindi used to play “school” all the time. My sister also went into education

  1. How long have you been teaching?

I began my career in 1995 in Jacksonville, FL. I have taught at both private and public schools. While living in New York I taught at the United Nations International School.

  1. What was your favorite subject when you were in school?

My favorite subject in school was science, specifically physics, chemistry and anatomy. The teachers made the subject come to life.

  1. Were you always this smart, or did you struggle in school?

At times I did and still do sometimes struggle. Sitting down to write a paper or essay from the start is hard for me. The blank page stares at me. I have to write anything, even if it is off topic for the first sentence or two. From there I get into a groove. I always have to edit- several times.

  1. What did you major in, in college?

In college I majored in Education. I also received my Masters in Education.

  1. What would you say to a student that never comes to study halls? What are they missing?

Students who never come to study halls are missing out on incredible one-to-one instruction from their teachers. The teachers at the International Academy are very passionate about the subject they teach.

  1. Alright, last question. Which genre of books would you kiss, marry, or stake? Horror movies, fanfiction, or a romantic comedy? For example, I would marry horror movies because I think their fun, stake romantic comedies because obvious reasons, and kiss fanfiction—sometimes fanfiction is better than the real thing!

Oh goodness this is a hard one. I love a good book which takes me away. I like books which make me think, have purpose, and are great for discussions. I love Time Travelers Wife and The Language of Flowers.

I love action movies. Currently I am into Jessica Jones, Marvel. I normally do not like the Marvel movies series, but this one has twists and turns I do not expect.

When I watch sappy movies or even commercials you will find me tearing up. My family laughs at me constantly when a sappy commercial comes on the television.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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