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iGlobe Spotlight Interview! Featuring… Rebecca Marquardt

Mrs. Marquardt is my Spanish teacher. I am a new student in her class, but she is very nice and facile (that means easy in Spanish!) to learn from. Below are a few questions I asked her, and she was nice enough to send them back!

Thanks Mrs. Marquardt—you’re a great teacher!

Let’s get started with the basics: What do you teach, where are you from, and what do you like to do where you live for fun?

This is my second year teaching K8 Spanish at the International Academy. I am from Arizona but I live in Virginia. I have two young children so we spend our time exploring the area on the weekends. There are many fun things to do here! We often visit the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, the Portsmouth Children’s Museum, the Virginia Aquarium and the Norfolk Zoo. I also love to read and exercise.

What’s the most interesting current event that has happened where you live in the last six months?

The most interesting thing for my family is that the aquarium opened a dinosaur exhibit in June! It will be here through January so we will be there often. The dinosaurs look so real I have to remind my daughter that if we unplugged them they would stop moving. She is still a little weary.

Did you always want to be a teacher?

I did not always want to be a teacher. Both of my parents are teachers so I thought I would do something else to be new and different. When I was in college, I loved my Spanish classes and decided to study abroad in Spain. While in Spain, I realized how much I loved the language and Spanish culture. I changed my major from business to Spanish and knew I wanted a career that allowed me to use Spanish every day. During my last year of college, I studied in Mexico and did an internship at a Montessori preschool. I loved working with the kids and decided that teaching was the perfect profession for me.

How long have you been teaching?

This is my 9th year teaching Spanish.

Was Spanish your favorite subject when you were in school?

Yes!! I have always loved taking Spanish and I continue to study it now. I have always loved math, too.

Were you always this smart, or did you struggle in school?

I’m not sure I would use the word “smart”. I would say that I have always been willing to work hard to do well in school. Some subjects, like science, don’t come easily to me. I am not afraid to ask questions and I spent a lot of time studying and reviewing to make sure I learned what was expected.

What did you major in, in college?

I majored in Spanish. I have a minor in business.

What would you say to a student who never comes to study halls? What are they missing?

Study hall is an excellent way to get answers to questions you may have about your daily lessons. If there is an activity or a concept that you are doubtful about, make a note to remind yourself, then come ask about it in study hall. You will feel so much more confident as you move forward in the course.

Alright, last question. Which genre of books would you kiss, marry, or stake? Horror movies, fanfiction, or a romantic comedy? For example, I would marry horror movies because I think their fun, stake romantic comedies because obvious reasons, and kiss fanfiction—sometimes fanfiction is better than the real thing!

Can I say that I would marry historical fiction? I love reading about the adventures of fictional characters set in history. It is such an engaging way to learn more about history. I would kiss romantic comedies because they always make me feel happy. I could watch “You’ve Got Mail” every day. ☺ Finally, I would stake anything horror. I am very easily scared and cannot handle it.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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