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Once upon a time there was a girl named Bella. She was as sweet as cotton candy. She had to move with her dad in a fishing camp. She hated it but, she kept it to herself. She didn't want her dad to feel bad. She had a very long yellow dress and it had blue roses all over it. Her dad had a dog; his name was turnover because when he was young he always turned and tossed. One day her dad yelled “Bella!” She turned around and the dog knocked her in the water! Bella was trying to swim in her dress but, she couldn't. Her dad started to get worried, so he went out and saw her. He said "Oh my" and jumped in and said, “Grab me.” So Bella did. He grabbed the railing and pulled them both up and her dad said, “You probably shouldn't wear dresses anymore.” Bella said, “OK.” She went inside and got dressed in her own room in her rose pajamas with yellow sparkles all over it. She started unpacking. She painted her room light yellow and had five dressers for her clothes. Her dad gave her a mint ice cream so she ate it and brushed her teeth and went to bed. Bella woke up with her dad over her saying, “Fish for breakfast.” She got up put her blue robe on. She ate cereal instead and wore a short yellow plain dress. It was long sleeved and it was to her knees. She went outside and her dad said “Hello. I said jeans and a shirt.” “Sorry Daddy,” said Bella. “I only had dresses.” “OK let's go buy you some pants.” “No thank you.” Her dad said, “Do you at least have a… Never mind what you're wearing is fine. Come on Bella.” So they went to the market and bought groceries and left. Bella also bought an air freshener because her room smelled like fish. When they got home Bella was about to change into something else when she when she heard the mirror talking. Bella looked stunned. She looked to her left and she saw it her mirror was talking. It said, “Go inside.” So she did. She got sucked into a magical world or did she just fall asleep? She walked on a path which was glowing yellow. She knocked on a bright yellow castle door. It opened and as she walked inside everyone bowed down to her. She said, “What's the matter?” No one answered. They just said, “Is it really her?” Someone walked into the room and said, “Silence.” Everyone did so. “You, the one who just entered, what is your name? Come follow me.” “My name is Bella.” “The queen said you're a princess, daughter of the sweetness.” Bella look up, stared in and said, “OK whoa that's a lot of info already.” The queen said, “You are there princess right?” Bella said, “I don't know.” The queen said, “Oh by the way, my name is Elizabeth.” Bella said, “I love that name.” “Oh thank you, Bella. I love your name too.OK back to business,” said Elizabeth. “It’s true princesses always know so are you or not?” “I guess I am,” said Bella. “Are you ready to come here every night?” “I don't know,” said Bella. “I need to go back to the real world right now. My dad's expecting me.” “OK you may go.” “Bye. I'll be here for sure tomorrow.” The next night she went back in, came to Elizabeth's room and said, “I'm not ready to be a ruler yet.” “Well you have to. We will not have one anymore.” “But, what about you?” “Tomorrow I will go in a flower patch and vanish.” “ “But, I can't be the ruler. My dad…” “Well, I guess you can just come in the night in rule.” “But, what about my sleep?” “You can do that here.” “OK. Bye. I will be here tomorrow.” She went back through her mirror to her bedroom and said, “OK, how do I explain this to my father?” Then a loud sound boomed and said, “You must never tell your father!” Then she turned and saw Elizabeth followed her! “Why did you follow me?” “Because I have never been in the real world!” “Well, you need to go back right now before my father notices you!” “No!” Said Elizabeth. “Why not?” said Bella. “Because I would like to see it before I disappear in a flower patch.” “OK then,” said Bella. “I understand that.” “So are we good?” said Elizabeth. “Yes,” said Bella. “But, you can only stay until night.” “That is understandable,” said Elizabeth. “Now let's get out of my room. I'm hungry.” They ate salmon for breakfast and Bella didn't complain. Elizabeth hung out with Bella all day and finally said, “Wow this is fun.” They went back to Bella's house through the mirror and in the castle. Then Elizabeth said, “Here is your room.” Then Bella said, Wow! This is as big as a factory but it is a bedroom!” “Well, get some sleep,” said Elizabeth. “OK. Good night.” The next morning she rushed out of the castle in her mirror and back to her bedroom and said got here before her dad. “Wow,” said Bella. And it just popped into her mind that she needed to see the vanishing Elizabeth! She rushed to see if her dad was awake and he was not awake so Bella left a note that said Dear dad, I’m spending time with my friends. I will see you at 8 PM for dinner. Love, Bella So she rushed back to her bedroom through her mirror and to the flower patch. And she saw Elizabeth and hugged her and said “Goodbye.” Then Elizabeth vanished. Bella ran to her bedroom in the castle and ate while she wept. Elizabeth was gone so she wouldn't know how to rule the kingdom. Then a whole bunch of servants came in and said, “This how you rule. You put on a gown. And make it long! We will need some necklaces with the shoes. We will make them yellow with sparkles. You will be fine so let's go. You know! Your dress it is sparkly we put yellow roses for the final touch. And we're done. “ “Wow, I didn't know you guys sang!” “Yep we so do. We are at your service. We help you to be a queen.” “Wow,” said Bella. “But I have to go see my dad. So one sec. Dad why are you getting so fancy? “Because, you are becoming queen.” “How do you know?” “Because I was married to Elizabeth.” “You were?” “Yes, so let's get this party started. Come let's go out the mirror.” And party they went out the castle, met their subjects, and partied all night long. The end!

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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