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Believe you can, and you’re halfway there. Flying to the moon was not a dreamy bedtime story that magically happened and dramatically ended. It was, however, a dream converted to reality through hard work. It was effort that produced what we have today; the possibility of reaching the moon and importantly, returning with safety. You could only dream of having a device that you could hold, touch with your fingers, and use to communicate.

As children of the twenty-first century we know that the impossible can be done. We learned lessons from great people like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, Aristotle, Isaac Newton and many, many, many more. In contrast, only some know that they all had something in common: bravery, skill, talent, effort and patience. Each and every great scientist, author, poet, artist, painter and more used key points to achieve their bold character. Similarly, anyone could just build up who they are now, but these people, the ones in history books and articles are the real superheroes and role models. Each and every accomplished a skill and that skill lead them to achieve their own self-esteem. And they weren’t just born that way; they were ordinary people just like us, selling newspapers, and writing, going to school and on and on. They created who they are today. With effort and patience they could achieve what they accomplished. As said, they didn’t want dream about pride and fulfillment; they wanted to accomplish the goal they had created.

The famous saying is, “A goal not written is only a wish“. People who start believing can start acting on what needs to be done; everyone has a brain, so you can believe and act.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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