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Breaking News! Car Surfing Kills Teen!

It can be easy for us teens to think that motor vehicles are just fun tools; however, they can be very dangerous or even deadly. We all know the dangers of drinking and driving, but what about the dangers of car surfing. What is Car Surfing? Car Surfing is something, usually done by teens like us, where a person hangs on to the outside or even the roof of a car as it’s moving. This is very deadly and no one should do it.

This was proven last month on September 21st. A girl I knew from private school died in a Car Surfing accident. It was a horrible tragedy that happened outside of L.A. It was horrible to watch a class mate buried when she was only 15. She was such a sweet person and she will definitely be missed by all who came to know her. In her memory, a safe driving campaign, started by teens that obviously knew her and were her friends, asks teens like us to pledge that they will not only drive safely, but also act responsibly around cars so this won’t happen in the future.

Please take the pledge!!!

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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