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Mu Alpha Theta Club Recap

The Mu Alpha Theta Club kicked off its first meeting on September 15th, brought to you by its sponsors Mrs. Natalie Dybala and Mrs. Kelli Williams. Mu Alpha Theta Club is presided over by President Kimia Pourali and Vice President Owen LaRosa. Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society dedicated to inspiring interest in the subject and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school students and two-year college students. Mu Alpha Theta offers memberships. The Full Membership requirements are four semesters of college preparatory math, current enrollment in or completion of a more advanced course, and at least a 3.0 GPA in math. The Associate Membership’s requirements are two semesters of algebra or an equivalent, current enrollment in or completion of a semester of geometry or second year algebra. For more information, see the official Mu Alpha Theta Website: Mu Alpha Theta has membership levels. Members can earn points by doing club activities. A yellow level member has at least 200 points, green level member has at least 400 points, blue level member has at least 600 points, red level member has at least 900 points, and a black level member has 1200 points and up. Points are earned by attending meetings (100 points per meeting), doing extension activities (usually 50-150 points per activity), service for the club - such as giving a presentation (varying point values), and other activities. To become a member, students must complete an application and submit it to Mrs. Dybala via kmail by September 27th. iCademy’s Mu Alpha Theta chapter uses Study Buddy to involve members in their communities. Study Buddy is an online tutoring program sponsored by Mu Alpha Theta and the National Science and Technology Educational partnership. To become a tutor, the student must have completed Algebra 1 with a B or higher and must complete the interest survey. Mu Alpha Theta also participates in competitions such as Purple Comet (April 12 - April 21, 2016) and the World Education Games (October 13 - October 15, 2015). iCademy’s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta has a website with a calendar, a message from the officers, and a members only section that has additional information. After covering this information, the recent meeting moved on to the presentations. Owen started off with an excellent presentation on the ancient mathematician Pythagoras. He covered Pythagoras’s life, school, and contributions. Mrs. Dybala gave a presentation on the ancient city of Petra, carved out of stone, featured in Indiana Jones, and was the capital of the Nabataean Empire. Mrs. Williams then gave a presentation on Victoria Falls. She discussed the geology, discovery, and the uniqueness of the waterfall. After the presentations, the club shared a link to an activity worth 150 points to be completed by October 13th, which is the date of the next meeting. The meeting concluded with the sharing of an interesting video about 3D printed sculptures that appear to move under a strobe light. The full recording is available at this link.

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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