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Fact or Fiction

Fact or fiction is a great game for kids or adults. It is a game where you will determine if it is a fact or a fiction. So I have made a game of fact or fiction that can refresh your mind or it may help you learn something.

Check if it it’s a fact or fiction.

Fact Fiction

  1. Pandas eat meat ____ ____

  2. Your tongue senses different tastes in different areas ____ ____

  3. Swallowed gum will remain in your stomach for 7 years ____ ____

  4. Microwaving veggies ruin all of their nutrients ____ ____

  5. Turkey makes you sleepy ____ ____

  6. If you were stung by a jellyfish, you need someone to pee on it ____ ____

  7. A pearl is an entombed parasitic worm ____ ____

  8. Chocolate grows from trees ____ ____

  9. You lose a brain cell every second ____ ____

  10. Hummingbirds can fly backwards ____ ____


  1. Fact

  2. Fiction

  3. Fiction

  4. Fiction

  5. Fiction

  6. Fiction

  7. Fact

  8. Fact

  9. Fact

  10. Fact


K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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