Some animals are near extinction. Their habitats are being destroyed to make space for us humans to live in. Other animals are being killed to be eaten or to sell their skin for bags, tusks for ornaments, etc. These are 5 animals that are near extinction. _h_n_c_ro_ This animal is famous for its 2 large horns on top of its nose. They’re dehorned and poached by hunters for a living. One of the main cause why they are endangered is habitat lose. E_e_h_nt This animal is the biggest land animal. They’re killed for their tusk to make ivories. Their population declined due to habitat lose in last few decades. Ti_e_ This animal is the largest of the big cats. They’re poach by hunters for a living and for food. Their habitats continue to be destroyed by us humans for us to have space for buildings. S_ _r_s This animal is one of the largest fish in the sea and they are considered predators too. They are killed for their fins to make soup and their habitats are also being destroyed by us humans. P_nd_ This animal is friendly and it is a member of the bear family. They live in a forest where there are bamboos they can eat. Their population decreased due to habitat loss and lack of food.
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