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Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles: Fourth Grader's Edition!

I’ll start off by saying that I can’t take all of the credit for this puzzle. I can’t even take most of it. On September 16th, Kendall Haney and Ms. Wyatt of the iGlobe dragged me from my cave with promises that I wouldn’t be sorry. And candy. They promised lots of candy.

Despite my natural aversion to light, fourth graders turned out to be an awesome audience! You all were Great, and I’m so happy to meet you! Thank you guys for making this puzzle as fun to make as it is to do. I’d like to also thank Mrs. O’Donnell for making all of it possible. Those awesome students are hers, and she was the one who set up the CC. So, I’m speaking for both myself and the iGlobe when I say thank you. ☺

Ready to crash and burn, iGlobers? Unlike my previous puzzles, there will be no looking up song lyrics here. These super smart fourth graders have done their best to make this as hard as possible.

So let’s go and see what these kids came up with! At the meeting we talked about…wait a minute… I’m not going to spoil all my fun by making it easy for you guys. Here’s your only hint: Those guys in Mrs. O’s class love animals. All kinds of animals. Any kind of animal. Even part animal! Like…cough…go figure it out ;).


2. Goes moo 4. Has a long trunk 6. Gives wool 9. Lays eggs 10. Meow 11. Woof woof!


1. Bananas 3. Slithers 5. Wears a saddle 7. Big pretty feathers 8. Loves the moon

K12 International Academy

Online School Newspaper

Volume 8

Issue 8

The iGlobe

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